Subaru Baja blast: the falafel lobbyist

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Subaru Baja blast: the falafel lobbyist

Keynesian basic left liberal,gender fluid, she/ her labor unions are vital
It increasingly feels like political pundits have turned the Biden "age crisis" into a referendum on their own societal relevance.
We had a great time on the CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED podcast this week, reviewing DESPICABLE ME 4, MAXXINE and BEVERLY HILLS COP: AXEL F., and discussing at length the scene in this new film that recontextualizes the whole series by suggesting that Axel Foley is asexual. It tracks, and it's really cool!
Critically Acclaimed #295 | Despicable Me 4, Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F., Listen to Critically Acclaimed Network on RedCircle
I genuinely don’t understand Levitz’s reasoning. I don’t see why Biden can’t win if people focus on the monster that he’s running against.
Amanda he did a rally in WI on Friday and one in PA yesterday. How is that giving up on campaigning?
The thing with a lot of these polls is that Trump might be up a few points but he is usually capping out at 45%. It will be very difficult for him to add to that number. Unless big numbers of people are voting 3rd party (which I just don't see), a lot of these people will be voting Dem in November.
I think some of these threads are just people truly, internally coming to terms with the fact that Trump can win. I had a moment of that myself on debate night!! It was ugly!!! However it’s been true the whole time
three points isn't even particularly massive as an election-day lead. it is trivial as a July 8th lead.
I feel like too many people on here are not facing the facts about the extremely desperate and dismal electoral situation Biden is in. If you just take the states where Trump is up MORE THAN THREE POINTS in the polling average (a massive lead), he's already got the Electoral College locked.
Nah this is just depressing I am sorry
Hey dude, wake up. You really had us going there for a minute. Bluesky? Discourse? What the hell are you talking about, we're midway through this monopoly game and you got really scared and freaked out after taking a very minor hit off these stems. It's September 10th 2001, everything's fine dude.
He called into Morning Joe a couple hours ago man. “Biden is largely incapable of clear extemporaneous speaking in general.” Good god.
The “Biden stays” scenario is profoundly unwise because the idea that Biden “had a bad night” is delusional. Obama showed it’s possible to get wrong-footed at a debate and recover. Biden is largely incapable of clear extemporaneous speaking in general.
A Methodical Approach To The Democratic Succession In a void of important information, half-baked ideas are flourishing. This is a complicated decision, and only Joe Biden can make it.
There’s a thinkpiece somewhere in how a lot of the contradictory asks of the President are also asks made of everyone in a capitalist system - be well-rested on minimal sleep, treat time to yourself as a flaw, be substantive but easygoing, be mistake-free, make it all look effortless without help
The Ernest Man and the Sea
He took the moon! And she took. The kids!!
HE TOOK ON CONGRESS — HE TOOK ON THE SPECIAL PROSECUTOR - AND WON! Now HE's TAKING ON THE LIBERAL MEDIA. This headline from a 1993 newsletter in Walter Huss's "Homosexuals" folder was referring to....
You take the moon and she took the @thedolf I own nothing
I can’t see ernest having biological sex though
I am here to once again declare that John Cena should star in an Ernest legacy sequel where he plays Ernest P. Worrell's improbably jacked son (it is never explained in any way why he is jacked)
More Ernest movies could help America heal. I would also accept Alan Ritchson giving up on Reacher to become Ernest. I also want to read his biography about this "Becoming Ernest".
Go even more gonzo -- have Cena be *Ernest*. Why is Ernest suddenly back and being played by a completely different person with a completely different accent? NOBODY KNOWS, now stop breaking kayfabe!
It’s summer so here’s a friendly reminder that these are house centipedes and despite looking curséd nightmare lace they are harmless, eat tons of flies and mosquitos, and don’t cause damage to your property. Let ‘em hang out with you!
Porn is ruining our children’s minds
It would really behoove some of you knuckleheads to ask a couple follow up questions when someone posts an infographic with zero citations or links
Ya know, I really dug the first paul calf short tv thingy cos it has a real Richard linklater vibe?
And they've chosen to illustrate it with a picture a tidy area, with the rubbish sorted nicely. Bloody students!
Please send these Biden< GWB people my way. I worked for GWB and have the scars to prove it.
Went into the garage at my parents’ house and recovered some cursed items from a previous life
me, old, a lib (which is basically like a conservative now): literally fuck dubya forever you, smart, genius, thinks outside the nox, communanarhitopian: bu- me: no.
people the same age as me, to kids, lying: yeah i was around for George W. Bush and let me tell you, he at least arguably didn’t have worse policies or attitudes toward LGBT people than Joe Biden does right now, nor was he worse than Biden on oil or war in the middle east
like just… how am i in the position “as the reasonable adult in the room, i am the person who is willing to say the hard truth that George W. Bush was not great, not in any way a lib or cool”
people the same age as me, to kids, lying: yeah i was around for George W. Bush and let me tell you, he at least arguably didn’t have worse policies or attitudes toward LGBT people than Joe Biden does right now, nor was he worse than Biden on oil or war in the middle east
And they got one hell of a photo op out of it, too
Meanwhile eight states, seven Democratic trifectas (CA, CO, MA, ME, MI, MN, NM) and Vermont, took a lesson from the pandemic and made universal free school meals permanent.
y'all it is legitimately getting to the point I don't even understand the things my leftists friends on instagram say