
Happy Fuck the Tories Eve to my UK friends
We're mostly really miserable about how far right Labour has gone, and how desperately we need electoral reform, but thanks for the thought!
Yeah, Labor is deeply depressing in general, but it's still going to be a very satisfying obliteration of the Tories and their bullshit. And right now we need all the "far right resoundingly defeated" stories we can get!
Sad high five on the electoral reform, though. I think that's a universal need.
I'm hoping that the Conservatives are so decimated, that the Lib Dems form the Loyal Opposition, and use their opposition days to put forward reform legislation it'll be hard to prevent Labour back benches supporting.
This is my main hope, too. Obviously I'm still somewhat pissed off with the Lib Dems since they went into coalition with the Tories, but things change, and right now they're our only hope at getting an Opposition that isn't total fascism. None of the large parties are as good as they should be.
Labour, who've gone hard right, are also predicted to obliterate the SNP, who are generally way left of them, and including my own local MP. This may be enough to make a big difference as to whether we get another chance at independence, and perhaps how Scotland governs itself in the meantime.
Scottish Labour have a record of teaming up with the Tories to keep the SNP out in local councils, for instance, even if the SNP had the plurality. Also you're not the one getting horrifying leaflets with Labour making threats coming through your door. Or friends arguing over tactical voting.
Looking at a record low vote for the top two parties combined and a modern record majority...
I wonder what the turnout will be, between people who haven't managed to sort out voter ID, and people who can't see enough difference between the Tories and Labour to want to participate.
Or who think the result is already known. This may be the first Parliamentary election where I will have voted for the winning candidate. My first was in 1983, and this one had to be a tactical vote.
Do you mean the winning candidate for your seat, or for control of Parliament?
The first one - 'safe' seats.