
Happy Fuck the Tories Eve to my UK friends
We're mostly really miserable about how far right Labour has gone, and how desperately we need electoral reform, but thanks for the thought!
Yeah, Labor is deeply depressing in general, but it's still going to be a very satisfying obliteration of the Tories and their bullshit. And right now we need all the "far right resoundingly defeated" stories we can get!
Sad high five on the electoral reform, though. I think that's a universal need.
I'm hoping that the Conservatives are so decimated, that the Lib Dems form the Loyal Opposition, and use their opposition days to put forward reform legislation it'll be hard to prevent Labour back benches supporting.
This is my main hope, too. Obviously I'm still somewhat pissed off with the Lib Dems since they went into coalition with the Tories, but things change, and right now they're our only hope at getting an Opposition that isn't total fascism. None of the large parties are as good as they should be.