
“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate
Also, the continental weather makes summers warm over there. You really want 47C as here? With all the deaths we had, I doubt it. Extra points to the possible new distribution range for the Aedes aegipty after that. Ps: personal experience, it hurts! You don't want the hemorrhage one.
I made a temperature quilt the other year, it gets you comparing climates with all the other people making them. The Canadians were using an entirely difference scale for theirs. I had no idea your climate was so extreme. Cold winters, yes, but the summers were a shock. (I'm in Scotland, it's mild.)
Scotland has very mild weather due to the gulf stream. Living there for 8 years taught me how their variations for your latitude guys are very "strange". A former girlfriend was from Montreal and she couldn't believe Glasgow was so far up north because our summers were mild compared to Montreal.
Yep, it's great. It means we're all really taken aback when there's weather beyond what we're prepared for, and the Scandinavians all laughed at us that bad winter in 2010, but generally we get a much easier time of it, and are profoundly grateful. We get less rain than we grumble about, too.
Bergen is like Glasgow multiplied by two🤣. I remember that I said that the French know nothing about cloudy and rainy days If they never been into Scotland, and that we used to know nothing about rainy cloudy days until we knew about Bergen! Do you remember the beast from the east a few years ago?!
Wasn't that the 2010 one, or around then? The snow was very pretty, but we couldn't get my wheelchair down the street, and I had trouble with a hospital visit due to their being generallly a bit overwhelmed.
Nope it was like 2018 when we ran out of bread and milk and the only aisles full of food were the milk substitutes and gluten free bread...😅! Oh god sorry to hear that, I was kind of the same cause I was waiting for hip surgery and it was bloody dangerous to go out with my walking cane...
Ah, I must have started being smug about already having a bread machine before the pandemic! 2018 would fit. We did get some cute photos of the cat walking on the snow. I really wish they'd salt the pavements better, yep. Surely councils would save money with fewer fractures occurring?
Pandemic was the day everyone learned how to bake 🤣! Loveee it!
I knew to order in flour in bulk while the newbies were still working out which type to get (self-raising sold out fast). But this meant that when I asked neighbours who wanted join in the order, a couple said yes and then vanished! We were going through those sacks of flour for months!
I hate when people sign in and then leave all of the sudden... c'mon pal!
I mean, as far as we all knew the apocalypse was starting, I didn't really mind. And clearing out that big trunk in order to store flour unearthed some nice fabric I'd forgotten I'd bought back in 2000. We had a pretty easy time of it, looking back.