
“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate
“But our population is so small, we’re not contributing much anyways. Go talk to China!” they then say. Again, NO. We Canadians have some of the highest per capita emissions in the world, and our national cumulative emissions add up to 2% of the total. That’s enough to make us #9 globally.
Who has contributed most to global CO2 emissions? There's not only significant variability in how much CO2 countries emit across the world today. There are also large differences in how much each has emitted in the past. Who has contributed most to g...
“But that carbon tax is useless,” they counter; getting to the real objections, driven by solution aversion. Again, NO. This meta-analysis of 21 policies finds that "introducing a carbon price yields immediate + substantial emission reductions despite the low level of prices." We just need more!
Systematic review and meta-analysis of ex-post evaluations on the effectiveness of carbon pricing - Nature Carbon pricing policies are adopted in many countries around the world to mitigate climate change. This systematic review shows that significant emission reductions of between 5 and 21% are achieved b...
No matter where we live or who we are, climate change affects us all. And, as I often say, that means ….
It doesn’t matter where in the western world you life, it’s every where the same bullshit you hear from the climate change deniers.
Unsurprising, since they're fed the same disinformation carefully crafted in the same thinktanks.
Meanwhile PeePee and his cohorts benefitting from the number of people outraged by the cost of the carbon tax affecting them at the pumps, while the math shows that a person has to spend $4000 on gas every three months before they match the carbon tax rebate they get deposited for that time period.
The government has just been really bad at showing people how it impacts the gas expenditures of huge consumers of gas, and not the typical driver.
Ages ago I read a survey in an economics journal where they asked seventy three economists across the political spectrum whether carbon taxes were an appropriate means to combat carbon pollution. Seventy two said yes. One said no, but sent a followup comment that they had misread the question.
My experience has been that even fellow Americans try to make that argument. I like to remind them that a significant chunk of the emissions from Asia are due to our consumer demand - we outsourced the pollution resulting from our standard and mode of living to there, and then claim it's theirs.
And I don't want to keep beating this drum, but encouraging more work-from-home instead of forcing public servants to commute unnecessarily is a simple, popular step towards reducing emissions.
This is an awesome newsletter. Thanks! I'm a public servant in Ottawa and I do not know a single person who is happy about the govt forcing us back into the office. Seems like parties think making PS miserable is a winning strategy for upcoming election. 😠
This decision is m a d d e n i n g to a degree I can't even express, and I don't even work for the PS anymore. Screw values and ethics, The Economy needs you to shell out for Timmy's downtown!
And NO GBA done at all. It's infuriating.
We are also well positioned to make huge changes. Build better transit in urban areas, build good interurban rail, build wind and solar farms - if we had the political will, we could be leading the pack in climate mitigation.
"But China!" "Who are they making all that stuff for?"
Can we get a breakdown by province?
I think the biggest misunderstanding of climate change comes down to how little most people know about complex systems and how shit isn't going to be distributed evenly. It's not just the temperature.
And as we learned in bc this winter, you can get the worst of both worlds by swinging from super warm winter to super cold - with devastating results for food production. Plus pine beetle... We need cold. Plus. Don't run your heating experiment on my climate even if u think it'll be good! (Ffs)
Yeah, the stone fruit crops in BC are destroyed because of this.
I live in Alberta. -40 in winter isn't unprecedented for us, but we hit it for a week *every* winter now, and routinely hit 40 at least once in summer--and that had not happened in my lifetime until a few years back. The mediation between extremes is gone and it took spring and fall with it.
-40 is a cool temperature (no pun intended) because it's the one where you don't need to specify if it's °C or °F
Also, the continental weather makes summers warm over there. You really want 47C as here? With all the deaths we had, I doubt it. Extra points to the possible new distribution range for the Aedes aegipty after that. Ps: personal experience, it hurts! You don't want the hemorrhage one.
humidex might be weird depending on your location, but it's the air temp
That must have felt horrible as a heat wave. Hopefully everyone took caution there ❤️! The energy grid was ok? Ps: We got around 45 temperatures a whole month (Maybe a month and a half ) and it struck me against having a lite heat wave as I got used to in the UK.
Oh god I remember summer in Montreal, it is really warm but to be honest it is milder than here and makes you able to go out!
So not want this to appear as a competition Jason but it was a sensation or real temperature? I have only that doubt because Texas-California to Baja Veracruz we had a sensation at 50-51 and reals on 45-47.
it's the air temperature; the one you feel. usually we don't have to deal with it like apac region does.
Reading it as soon as I get my coffee mug in a minute :D Thaaaaanks!
The difference in summer between the regions (Central ones, APAC, Caribbean, Atlantic and Gulf) is striking as always...
Literal New Zealand erasure lol (I was genuinely curious what it would look like on this map.)
I made a temperature quilt the other year, it gets you comparing climates with all the other people making them. The Canadians were using an entirely difference scale for theirs. I had no idea your climate was so extreme. Cold winters, yes, but the summers were a shock. (I'm in Scotland, it's mild.)
Scotland has very mild weather due to the gulf stream. Living there for 8 years taught me how their variations for your latitude guys are very "strange". A former girlfriend was from Montreal and she couldn't believe Glasgow was so far up north because our summers were mild compared to Montreal.
Yep, it's great. It means we're all really taken aback when there's weather beyond what we're prepared for, and the Scandinavians all laughed at us that bad winter in 2010, but generally we get a much easier time of it, and are profoundly grateful. We get less rain than we grumble about, too.
Bergen is like Glasgow multiplied by two🤣. I remember that I said that the French know nothing about cloudy and rainy days If they never been into Scotland, and that we used to know nothing about rainy cloudy days until we knew about Bergen! Do you remember the beast from the east a few years ago?!
Wasn't that the 2010 one, or around then? The snow was very pretty, but we couldn't get my wheelchair down the street, and I had trouble with a hospital visit due to their being generallly a bit overwhelmed.
Oh my, the old narrative of certain very northern countries getting net economic benefits from climate heating is still making the rounds.
And nobody ever mentions all the health, cost-of-living and other benefits that taking climate action has for us when making that argument.
Love the benefits. I can inhale smoke all summer without paying tobacco companies one red cent.
I can ask the landlord for a few euros cheaper rent on months when the flat is at 30°C because we don't usually have A/C in the Nordics. It's like earning money!