
Trump’s re-election will mean four hideous years of the GOP playing constant Civil War Chicken at best - as this Heritage Foundation ghoul made clear - and actual civil war at worst. Avoiding that bloody nightmare is a pretty damn good reason to suck it up and vote for Biden.
Somebody else pointed earlier that the "bloodless if the leftists allow" (paraphrasing) bullshit sentence, is a clear terrorist threat and should probably be called like this.
The left? You mean the center right democrats? They will just allow this to happen to keep from rocking the boat
No they mean everyone on the left of them, that includes democrat centrists and anyone to the left of them. Anyone that isn't a Christian Nationalist, conservative, republican, extreme right Trump supporter. If Trump wins and invokes project 2025, Democrats will be the first ones they come after.
so skipping the step the German fascists took of going after the actual left like the communists, and trade unionists? I can see either happening. I just know if its the actual left they go after in order to maintain status quo most of the center right democrats will help.
I didn't skip them. I included everyone left of The Trump Christian Nationalist party. That means everyone from centrist to tankies. I am not absolving the centrist Dems. I'm saying they will be first target for political revenge, then LGBTQ2S+, women, minorities, anyone left of extreme right.
generally the comfortable nimby type liberals will side with the fascists to protect themselves....but it never helps them. You are right. Everyone is fucked....its going to be gallows laugh when the minority far right wingers become the next target.
I'm pissed that genuine left thinking people aren't represented in the 2 party system, but that battle needs to come after this massive Christian Nationalist threat is stopped. Trump is just the trickle down billionaires figure head. They used the flaws in the 2 party system to take over everything.
yeah definitely. First things first is to get the super pacs under control. Billionaires choose most of the choices we have on the national level. Its really difficult to do small dollar donations for they end up owing allegience to righwing billionaires like Latimer owes AIPAC
Funny how Citizens United ( V FEC ) are also major contributors to Project 2025 and have numerous connections to the Heritage Foundation, The Federalist Society (lope-hole lawyers), ALEC, Moms for Liberty, etc. Koch, Barre Seid, Harlan Crow and many more have been working towards this for decades.