Graham Lea

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Graham Lea

Climate Action • Product + Technology + Leadership • Agile, startups, microservices, UX, & more •
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A brief history of self-regulation
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🚨My book is online!🚨 "Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate Justice" This was a journey & labor of love to clarify what climate coloniality is & how to decolonize climate justice. Thanks to many for their support! Details below.🧵
Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate This timely and urgent collection brings together cutting-edge interdisciplinary scholarship and ideas from around the world to present critical examinations of climate coloniality.   Confronting Clim...
The climate crisis will not get solved until climate action is funded as if we’re at war. But I fear in many countries that probably won’t happen until people see our climate changes killing thousands or more in their own country, …
Reposted byAvatar Graham Lea
Never stops making me mad every time I see it: if we had begun the process of eliminating fossil fuels in the 1990s, it would've been a relatively shallow curve. Climate deniers and delayers have put us in a position where the same temp limits require a cliff-like drop in emissions.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Lea
First printed copies of Slick are hot off the press and in the clutches of my dastardly publisher. Help liberate them today -- pre-order now:
Reposted byAvatar Graham Lea
I’m glad we went to all the trouble to have a debate, otherwise how would we have known that Biden’s really old and that Trump’s a psychopath? You only find that kind of truth in the crucible of having two people scream at each other for an hour minus commercial breaks.
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If nuclear power is so cheap as Dutton claims, how come it’s not companies building the power plants for the massive profits, rather than taxpayers footing the bill? 🤔 #auspol
If you think that generative AI is sometimes "lying" or "hallucinating", then you've misunderstood what genAI does. Its design is not geared towards producing true information.
A must-watch, no matter where in the world you are:
The Government™ has made an ad about the state of Democracy™ and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. Feat. 🇮🇳 🇪🇺 🇬🇧 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 🇺🇲 🇿🇦 🇮🇩 🇵🇰 🇮🇷 🇷🇸 🇲🇽 🇻🇪 🇧🇾 🇷🇺 🇧🇬
Honest Government Ad | the state of Democracy™ 🌎 The Government™ has made an ad about the state of Democracy™ around the world, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. Feat. 🇮🇳 🇪🇺 🇬🇧 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 ...
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I used to think PHEVs were a good step, but real world data is showing they’re often used as just large, heavy petrol cars, because they don’t force the behaviour change to charging an EV. This is very bad. People think they’re making a forward step, but they’re not.
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Reposted byAvatar Graham Lea
I fear that our current climate targets will be unachievable, under the current plan of 'do nothing to make them achievable', and will sadly now have to scrap them. This is the only option available
When juxtaposed headlines answer each other… #SBSNews
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We really should just call "natural gas" by its actual name: methane. It's a fossil fuel, and burning it adds carbon to the atmosphere. The word "natural" is really unhelpful here, and it needs to go.
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Natural gas is as natural as Natural fracking Natural oil spill Natural flaring Natural pipeline Natural mining Natural drilling Natural bunkers Natural rockets Natural billionaires Natural tax havens
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Lightning Lake” by Tom Rae. Location: Aoraki, Mount Cook National Park, New Zealand.-
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Somehow one of the most normalised, accepted scams in the history of scams too. In any other segment of society it would be treated as fundamentally absurd and unacceptable. One of my fav depictions of this:
Tonight in “Things a gas stove can do that an induction stove can’t”:
News Flash: If Trump being convicted - by a jury - of serious crimes makes you *more likely* to vote for him, you are not an “independent” voter.
🗳️ People in your country vote for their government? Congrats, you’re in a part democracy! 💰 Companies in your country donate money to politicians? Congrats, you’re in a part corpocracy! Just be aware: Depending on the influence of corporate money, you may hardly live in a democracy at all. 😬
Reposted byAvatar Graham Lea
I'm in six meeting simultaneously asking deranged questions at weird times, interrupting everyone, saying "that's orthogonal" and "how will that scale" and "I gotta jump off on the hour". I'm being promoted so much I'm now my boss in two different orgs. I write six hundred follow up emails a day.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Lea
Re-reading some old reviews of the last two eps of Game of Thrones is a trip. Major critics at legacy publications wrestling for multiple paragraphs with why on earth a conqueror would commit a war crime while also talking about being a liberator. I know, can you imagine????
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A lot of this is AI-pushers demanding more energy, but I think it's worth noting that a lot of this is also fossil fuel pushers demanding more demand (in the form of wasteful AI) Just like Bitcoin miners got pally with fossil fuel companies.....they're all starting to recognise mutual interests
I will never buy an EV because sometimes I drive 3,000km in a single day, sometimes I race and need to go 0-100km/h in under 1 second, and sometimes I move house and need a removalist truck.
EVs can’t satisfy these use cases, so there’s no way I’ll buy one for 99% of my driving needs!
Listening to a podcast about geoengineering. Critics are like, “There should probably be some regulation about people putting stuff in the atmosphere that changes the climate”, and I’m like… HELL YES THERE SHOULD BE - LET’S PLEASE EXPEDITE A “CLIMATE CHANGING ATMOSPHERIC CONTRIBUTIONS” TAX! 🥸
Clearly a lot of big ticket things - mostly around politics and atmospheric pollution regulation - have to change for this to get solved. And yes the carbon in a books is most likely a rounding error. But…
Look. I care about climate change a lot. I'm close to a single-issue voter on the subject! But we have GOT to stop worrying about what are, in the scheme of things, rounding errors. I hate, hate, hate this kind of personal-responsibility climate stuff, it's deeply counterproductive.
BREAKING: Winner of $150 MILLION Powerball draw hopes to one day own a house in Australia.
“What are mitigation strategies?” #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver