Prof. Farhana Sultana

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Prof. Farhana Sultana

Professor, writer, speaker, leader | water governance, climate justice, development, political ecology, environmental justice, human rights, decolonization, feminisms, Global South |
#GeoSky feed:
Nick the Incredible Flying Brick! 🤣🤡
US needs names for its politicians like the UK: Count Binface, Monster Raving Loony Party & Nick the Incredible Flying Brick are actual British MPs! US options: Batshit Nutjob Genocidal Geriatric Putrid Potatohead Creeper Conman Flaming McGreasy Gumbopants Geezer Lord Loonybins Clownlord Creepy
Monster Raving Loony Party is a real one in the UK. Politics is bananas there 😂🤡
Sunak just conceded loss as PM of UK, surrounded by cosplay MPs. 🤡😂 Only in Britain do you see crazy names for MPs who show up in the wildest costumes for reals.
So one Empire’s #july4th  celebrations for #JeremyCorbyn and #IslingtonNorth in its former master/Empire’s elections #GeneralElection2024 🙃
I don’t care about British elections but I just want Jeremy Corbyn to win.
IMO, Labour Party in the UK is too conservative and right-wing, the Tories are batshit crazy, so Independent & Green Party were better options. But i don’t vote in the UK. I just really wish Corbyn and progressive candidates would win.
The overarching turn to the right, whereby whatever people think are Labour in the UK or Democrats in the US, neither are progressive or left. They constitute the right-wing capitalist colonial empire that runs the world. Hence the desperate need for radical progressive politics now
I don’t care about British elections but I just want Jeremy Corbyn to win.
War is a mass disabling event and any approach to disability justice should demand an end to war and a free Palestine, full stop.
“Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis, when talking to children. They tell us, we’re waiting for our legs to grow again. Sometimes, it’s difficult to explain that that’s not going to happen.”
How the war in Gaza makes life nearly impossible for disabled “Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis.”
People unironically posting Naomi Shihab Nye’s famous fireworks poem today “No Explosions”. Nye is a Palestinian-American poet and this poem is perhaps most apt for #July4 for the US but everyday in Palestine.
I finally watched the entire video & was reminded how expansive & informative the panel discussion was after the lecture. Feel free to have a watch to learn about the how a range of voices from around the world help us rethink #climatecrisis #climatejustice #climatecoloniality
Folks, truly, watch this ->
Why everyone should use the Oxford (or serial) comma and why it’s a hill I will die on. I hate it when I receive proofs of publications back and the publishers have removed all my commas. The text sounds imbecile, like:
Folks, truly, watch this ->
Saleem was a lifelong collaborator, mentor, colleague, friend. I’ve known him since 1997. The keynote lecture I delivered at the Royal Geographical Society this past week has video clips of interviews with him (and others). Video of my lecture & the panel discussion afterwards is here:
Voices from the Global South - Explore diverse perspectives on the climate crisis, emphasising the significance of incorporating insights from academic, policy, and indigenous advocacy groups.
I have a hard time with the climate deniers, racists, and publishers who don’t use the Oxford commas
This entire thread. Including the Thiel post. Folks should read it.
This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
This is part of the rot. Completely dangerous for everything and everyone.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
The sheer exceptionalization of WWII events - by politicians, scholars, pundits, media, and ad-nauseam reinforced by Hollywood & others in thousands of shows, film, plays, documentaries, etc spread globally - means our genocides are completely invisibilized/distorted/denied constantly. It’s shameful
My immediate thoughts: Columbusing again. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Europeans repeating history of spreading disease again. 😱 Unvaccinated people posing danger to others.😠 Antivaxxers shouldn’t be allowed to enter countries where a disease was defeated with effort.😡 Wealthy people costing others in multiple ways. 🤬
Chronic ear infections suck. Please send good vibes.🤲🏻
Twitter algorithm today is kinda spot-on and I’m glad that asshat was called off on this site often
This is spot on & only worsening for many of us US professors with too many administrative, supervision, research, outreach, etc responsibilities while we’re off-contract (not paid) for the 3 summer months. With zero ability to unionize. I’ve been a faculty in both the UK & US, it’s worse here.😢
💯Friere and Gramsci and Fanon and Said and Lorde and a few others have been my go-to theorists forever and there’s always a quote I can find for life in the contemporary moment