
The true lesson of the attempt to astroturf a Biden replacement narrative into existence isn't the arguments we're having about it. It's that the major America-focused media class is having a collective brain meltdown. Something got into their hive mind and flipped a switch.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
I'm not even joking, this is unhinged and it's like some instantly spawned memetic virus has taken over all their brains.
Parasite Eve but only if you have the major media gene.
But questions about the age of both candidates have been in the air since the 2020 election; Biden himself set this up as a big showdown back in May; and then he rebooted on live TV 5 minutes in on what was supposed to be his big night. He pretty much memed himself here.
It's one debate where he was slow in the first half and fine in the second. It's one misstep, in July, against a guy a lot of us hate passionately. This all seems overblown and manufactured.
He was not just slow (which I would not think is a big deal), he completely lost track of what he was talking about mid-sentence. He had a bunch of good moments, Trump's own debate performance was mediocre. But you can't blow off a massive self-own on live TV.
It's gonna be so weird if Biden stays in and they're still doing this in two weeks. Five months of media promising us in no uncertain terms that Truman must step down lest Dewey win.
I really hope this whole embarrassing moment passes with no change, it knocks them down a peg, and then Biden winning in November drives some of them to move to writing bad midlife crisis fiction or something so people can do actual journalism.
The other thing is the USA is run by people with no vision for a future beyond the next 24 hours. And coming to terms with that fact is really painful.
I wouldn't say it's that bad but I do often bemoan the lack of strategy. We kind of have a vague medium term plan for climate that Biden got passed but it could be more coherent. Foreign policy-wise, kind of same. Ukraine and Pacific ally support is great but it's not as tightly woven as I'd like
You are definitely correct. I stated my fear more than a fact. Joe Biden saved the future with his work on solar. His legacy is solid .
The vibe in my part of Vermont is definitely hiding out in hopes time doesn’t find us. It can be hard to pierce that local veil of doom. But Joe was forward thinking and helped us farm more sustainably profitable for the long term.