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Today's "that would be amazing" is if Satoshi Kon had done a new film of Quadrophenia that hewed closer to the album...
Reposted byAvatar exedore
This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
Reposted byAvatar exedore
The research and publications we do as academics is largely unpaid. Now, it is being sold, with none of that money going to us, to train a system that makes our work as mentors of new scholars even harder. (Ok, a ranty thread)
34 years and change until retirement...
At CDG and Air France have tagged my bags as limited release by default. The city of Thernardiers thumbs its nose one more time…
Worst Con attendance was down 30% this year, which is a trend that desperately needs to continue. Also means that DoKomi, AnimagiC, and/or MCM are now the biggest cons in Europe based on Turnstile/Day.
Reposted byAvatar exedore
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
Buying the French super limited edition of Apothecary Diaries so the German teams can ravage the pack-in goodies.
Worst Con is doing an event in Osaka next year.
I don’t say this often enough, but Vienna is 100% the better Paris.
Speaking of nothing working, the wifi at our hotel has also been out for over 24 hours and it's a good thing my data plan just reset for the month...
Reposted byAvatar exedore
Booth is done at Worst Con. tomorrow is a lot of meetings.
Our booth at Worst Con was missing its chair. Staff gave us a folding unit and proceeded to come with us and take documentation photos lest we rip them off for 12€
A huge part of why I moved to Europe is because of worker protection. Remember the person who instituted the first paid time off law was Otto von Bismarck. Even 19th century radical monarchists aren’t on this level.
Project 2025, page 592: make it harder for employees to be paid at overtime rates by allowing employers to average the number of hours worked over 2-4 weeks
Reposted byAvatar exedore
The thing about the GOP plan to do mass deportations of “illegal immigrants” is that this country has done it twice before and both time we deported American citizens of latin descent because that’s the entire point. Here’s the first during the Great Depression… www.history.com/news/great-d...
An hour late getting into Paris.
Worst con’s venue marketing called this morning to offer a last minute deal on posters in the venue toilets. For 2000€ per placement.
Ugh, it's summer allergy season and my throat is slightly scratchy from all the drainage... just in time to be flying off to Paris for the worst con of the year.
Reposted byAvatar exedore
Nach dem Ausscheiden der deutschen Mannschaft aus der #EM steigt das Risiko für häusliche Gewalt. Hier findet ihr Hilfe. Bitte teilen.
Reposted byAvatar exedore
Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
Reposted byAvatar exedore
Hat Freude gemacht!
Neue Bonusfolge im Buchpodcast! Ich habe mit Ben Calvin Hary über seinen Werdegang als Autor und seinen aktuellen Job als Chefautor bei "Perry Rhodan" gesprochen. Jetzt für alle Abonntent*innen abrufbar. Und im Herbst kommt ein Nachschlag zur Serie allgemein, wenn der neue Story-Zyklus beginnt.
On the up side, I get to do my favourite thing as part of it: pull out deep archive cuts and share them with a new audience.
In Hamburg having a light lunch before giving a two hour lecture. Despite rehearsing for a couple weeks, I feel like the four day break for the con over this past weekend has utterly borked my flow and memory.
Brits, go out and vote for not tories and not reform party.
Reposted byAvatar exedore
Reposted byAvatar exedore
as long as you source wood from managed forests and steel from as sustainable supply chain as you can find, guillotines can be surprisingly eco-friendly to manufacture, and their potential positive impact on the oil, tech, and financial industries is immeasurably high