
Whatever the Bidens end up deciding, it's baffling that they seem to think it would somehow reflect badly on his career to bow out. Screen cap on left: NYT on the Bidens' thinking Screen cap on right: My suggestion that this isn't a good way to think about the situation
Which will reflect worse? * bowing out now? * forced out? * losing all the swing states? It's too early to decide now. Polling pre-debate didn't look good for Biden, but a strong debate performance could narrow the gap. If he slides enough, what's the plan to win?
I hope that if the polling shows the campaign is sunk, they talk replacement.
Polling’s under reported, by quite a bit, Dem strength. We did much better in 2022 & since than polling would suggest. I’m just saying it’s up to us, not Biden, to keep this country a democracy. Freaking out is what Dems do, ok, then shake it off - there’s a shit ton of work to do.
Ironic how the Republicans are ride or die for a criminally insane fraudster rapist, yet Dems, after one v bad night, are push pushing him out. This election is the Democrats to lose. But we only will if we unite, and soon. I trust Biden to think hard about what’s best for the US - Kamala rises!