
Whatever the Bidens end up deciding, it's baffling that they seem to think it would somehow reflect badly on his career to bow out. Screen cap on left: NYT on the Bidens' thinking Screen cap on right: My suggestion that this isn't a good way to think about the situation
The debate really broke you
I think it broke a lot of people. In what universe does one bad debate performance cause a candidate to drop out of a race? Especially this late?
Is the report about the Bidens’ thinking/feeling coming from a direct interview with them or from a “source”? At this point it’s hard to know where they get their info while at the same time no mention of how Melania or some of Trump’s children feel about Trump running.
This is laughable. How about the felon who sexually assaults women, whose entire business plan is fraud and who has surrounded himself with more felons than I care to keep track of drop out.
The fact that the NYT are comfortable with fascism should be the question asked by all those who believe in democracy
do you really not understand the timing issue?
I think you're right. He could frame bowing out as a demonstration of what true leadership is and still be remembered as a hero. Here's hoping!
It is up to him. But, it would probably lose the election. With friends like the Dems, who needs enemies? Is v applicable now.
No one will question the motivations of an 81 year old man’s desire to retire and devote all his time to his family.
Which will reflect worse? * bowing out now? * forced out? * losing all the swing states? It's too early to decide now. Polling pre-debate didn't look good for Biden, but a strong debate performance could narrow the gap. If he slides enough, what's the plan to win?
I hope that if the polling shows the campaign is sunk, they talk replacement.
Polling’s under reported, by quite a bit, Dem strength. We did much better in 2022 & since than polling would suggest. I’m just saying it’s up to us, not Biden, to keep this country a democracy. Freaking out is what Dems do, ok, then shake it off - there’s a shit ton of work to do.
Ironic how the Republicans are ride or die for a criminally insane fraudster rapist, yet Dems, after one v bad night, are push pushing him out. This election is the Democrats to lose. But we only will if we unite, and soon. I trust Biden to think hard about what’s best for the US - Kamala rises!