
Not having this from the people who pissed themselves every day Corbyn was leader because he didn't want to coddle their emotional support settler colony or was going to make them treat minorities like equals. Fuck Labour and fuck this loser.
It's not "they didn't make it the way I wanted it" it's, they're actively a threat to my person and are going to take my and other people's rights away. Don't like that people are noticing that? Take it up with the Ham-in-Chief not with randoms with no power.
It's crass, but every person who espouses that position should be made to answer, what exactly it is about dead trans people, dead Muslims, dead disabled people that makes them love this iteration of Labour so much?
Pretty sure this guy wasn’t espousing “hold your nose and vote Labour even if it’s not exactly what you want, diddums” in 2019
He sailed very close to Linehan-ism at one point too – making snide comments about trans people, pro-JKR posts, etc but seems to have backed down. To think this was once Steven Wells' writing partner. Wrong kid died.
God I loved Wells, who never lost his will to fight even on his deathbed. Sadly missed these days.
Me too. I even loved it when he excoriated a band I liked. Still surprised there is no published collection of his work.
He wrote for that odd little paperback series that was everywhere in the early 2000s too - sort of pseudo-pulp stuff? Can't recall the name
Oh yeah, it was called ATTACK!, I never actually read any.
I liked the idea but the whole thing seemed so 90s. Sort of wish I had got the SWells ones at least, now.
Still got the SWells/Attila book of collected poems somewhere. Plenty of pubs round these parts that could be the Charles Bronson Arms.