
Heck, I might as well yank this out to ask. Anyone know of a church in the MSP area (and accessible by public transport) with non-vile politics that does this kind of thing in, I don't know, adult Sunday school sessions or the like? Or a Bible study group full of scholar-nerds? Similar?
I would really intensely enjoy a church that did deep-dive analysis of the texts in small groups, with reference to the original language(s)! Give me some nuanced historical context and discussion of cultural effects on our interpretation! Most... most of them do not, I think.
Please, help me, I wish to yell about the cultural context provided by the Babatha documents with people who would be similarly interested, maybe with some singing or snacks alongside, announcements about community service opportunities. I am all out of grad school. I need /something/.
(Am I just looking for another place where I can make a cursing-the-fig-tree joke in passing and have everyone actually get the reference and laugh, like it was in department parties during grad school? ...yeah, maybe?)
Sounds like something the Unitarians would like as an intellectual exercise, not because they're bible believers but because they aren't