
it would be pretty cool if this grand stackable moderation experiment works for this exact reason - a possible way to apply some small-forum principles to way bigger ecosystems.
I does seem like it could have the potential to solve a lot of the social media hell. Well moderated subreddits are one the brighter spots in social media and being able to apply that to a Twitter-like environment successfully could be great.
It’s exciting because I think BlueSky may be on to what I have never been able to articulate, which is a way to take how well small forum volunteer moderation CAN work (because it really can work very well) and applying it at a massive scale.
There's still bugs to iron out over making modlists transferable and/or multi-owner, but yes, I've got the same hope here.
The big question I have (not having looked into the stackable moderation yet), is what happens to all the *other* communities that aren't well-moderated. Like how the_donald was the ops room for planning J6, or how the shadow fediverse is a CSAM and networked harassment factory.
The idea as i understand it is that for now, everyone still is subject to Bluesky’s own moderation team and rules, but you can add more stuff on top of that (and illegal content is blocked at a higher level) I agree that’s gonna be a very relevant question if that changes
The thing decentralized social media (aka the fediverse) always failed to wrap its head around is how do you stop networked harms that are happening on your ("your"?) platform. Harms that are themselves decentralized and pointed at victims *other than your user base*. I want to see how it turns out!
With that said, I really want to see the bsky team succeed at what they are trying to do
Same. It’s a gigantic, messy problem but I’m just glad to see people actually coming at in a different and interesting way.
ah, if only we had regulations
What are regulations but stacked trust and safety moderation for decentralized economic regimes?
It would be interesting to see how it handles, say, zoophilia or (perhaps for lack of a better term) what is often referred to as “snuff films” (i.e. gore and graphic content).
illegal stuff is still illegal and that's handled at a higher level, per what Paul said
I don't think that stuff is illegal per se (or not enforced). Reddit hosted subreddits like r/sexwithdogs and r/watchpeopledie for years without (legal) issue. And I believe it still has some fairly graphic subreddits to this day.
I struggle to see how that works in an environment as 'flat' as a twitter clone.
The design is *everything* for software. The user view is just a skin on bones. And Bluesky has good bones. :)
I wonder if there is a way to individually monetize it. I would pay a buck or two a month for something the scale of Twitter but with moderation curated by someone I had been following for a while and trusted.