Tony Wong

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Tony Wong

Interests include content moderation/T&S/platforms, internet culture, buildings/infrastructure/transit, politics, elections, and maps. Oh, and volleyball.
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Just gonna once again share this feed that automatically surfaces every Gift Link or Gift Article on Bluesky across many news outlets. This is basically how I get my news now: slow, generally very good, with a recommendation.
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Reposted byAvatar Tony Wong
Can’t stress how amazing this feed of all gift links/gift articles shared on Bluesky is. It’s largely the best of the stuff in traditional papers without the bullshit and fluff, shared by people who liked it enough to pay for it.
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I wrote about doxing, OSINT, and "ethics in Trump criminal trial" journalism, and how totally ridiculous this whole "let's report every single detail that comes out about a juror/potential juror" thing is
The Trump Jury Has a Doxing One juror in former US president Donald Trump’s criminal case in New York has been excused over fears she could be identified. It could get even messier.
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As we continue to debate legislation requiring platforms to do... something(?) about content harmful to children, this The Markup piece on what happens when schools have tried to do the same should be required reading:
Schools Were Just Supposed To Block Porn. Instead They Sabotaged Homework and Censored Suicide Prevention Sites – The The Trevor Project? Blocked. Planned Parenthood? Blocked. NASA? BLOCKED
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A new person was asking about a guide to Bluesky. I gathered a few today. Maybe other folks would like to peek at them too? Plus this one, "BlueSky for Scientists"
Hi! I came across your post by chance. First, follow more folks & join feeds. Guides: Bluesky is now open. Science Twitter, here’s how to use it! Kuba Suder's Guide Kairi's Guide
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What is “implicit feudalism” on social media? Some of the earliest digital social spaces necessarily had to be operated by an individual with special permissions. As the internet commercialized and social platforms arose, this dynamic remained, greatly to the benefit of the tech companies.
🪤 The internet was supposed to be democratic. Why isn’t it? Media theorist Nathan Schneider’s new book on the implicit feudalism of digital communities
1BFJ (or 3BFJ for something more filling)
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A federal judge today threw out X's lawsuit against the Center for Countering Digital Hate, saying the suit's clear motivation was to "punish" critical research and "dissuade" others from criticizing X or researching its harms. My story:
Judge accuses Musk’s X of trying to intimidate critics as he tosses A federal judge ruled the lawsuit against Center for Countering Digital Hate was about “punishing the defendants for their speech.”
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I don’t even know where to begin. It’s clear these men have no idea what content moderation operations actually look like. What they’re describing is not too far off from the status quo.
It’s Time to Give Up on Ending Social Media’s Misinformation There’s a better approach to keeping users safe.
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For Tech Policy Press, Tim Bernard sums up the findings of a set of reports on the dynamics driving the growth of the 'trust and safety' market.
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People behave so, so weirdly in groups, and one of the big problems about today's social media platforms is that a lot of the core assumptions for those platforms were set at a time before anyone realized just how much this is true.
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It is impossible to do content moderation at scale well. Widely cited law, not terribly controversial among people who know the area. Now if you want the interesting policy debate, it's "who should bear the risk for failures, and under what circumstances."
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Bumping this to top post because as mentioned in a QS, Bluesky's new community moderation layer may result in a bunch of people finding this helpful
I usually recommend that everyone who works in T&S and is about to start a new therapeutic relationship hand to their therapists on the first session just to give the poor therapist advance warning
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It's another big, potentially scary 10 AM Supreme Court oral argument day. Q. Did govt pressure websites inappropriately? AKA "jawboning" – informal govt efforts to persuade, cajole, or strong-arm private platforms to change content-moderation practices. (definition via Knight Institute) . . .
At 10 ET, the Supreme Court will hear a case that could reshape social media, public health and elections. The question: Whether the US government violated the First Amendment when it pushed online platforms to remove misinformation. Follow along with us live, here:
Live updates: Supreme Court hears arguments for First Amendment The Supreme Court is hearing arguments on two key cases related to the First Amendment, including one key social media case. Follow here for the latest live news updates.
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Social media companies don't want to wrestle with 2 things 1) A well-moderated network is going to require political decisions that piss some people off 2) A well-moderated network is going to require labor and money Outsourcing those ?s to 3rd parties just makes things murky & unaccountable
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Very excited to be bringing to life this vision of composable moderation we’ve been working towards since the start! We'll always provide a foundation of moderation in the app, but you'll be able to stack mod services soon like putting together lego blocks to build your own experience.
Bluesky is built to give users control over their social spaces online. Today, we’re open sourcing Ozone, a tool that lets users collaboratively inspect and label content on the network. Later this week, we’re opening up the ability for users to run their own independent moderation services.
Bluesky’s Stackable Approach to Moderation - Today, we’re open sourcing Ozone, a tool that lets a team of moderators or curators collaboratively review reports, create labels, and inspect content on the atproto network. Later this week, we’re op...
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it would be pretty cool if this grand stackable moderation experiment works for this exact reason - a possible way to apply some small-forum principles to way bigger ecosystems.
I does seem like it could have the potential to solve a lot of the social media hell. Well moderated subreddits are one the brighter spots in social media and being able to apply that to a Twitter-like environment successfully could be great.
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Bluesky is built to give users control over their social spaces online. Today, we’re open sourcing Ozone, a tool that lets users collaboratively inspect and label content on the network. Later this week, we’re opening up the ability for users to run their own independent moderation services.
Bluesky’s Stackable Approach to Moderation - Today, we’re open sourcing Ozone, a tool that lets a team of moderators or curators collaboratively review reports, create labels, and inspect content on the atproto network. Later this week, we’re op...
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The "Trust" in "Trust and Safety" wasn't about consumers trusting TWITTER, it was about giving users tools like verification and anti-spam that enabled them to make better decisions about what to trust WHEN USING Twitter. Now that the answer is "don't trust ANYTHING on X..." job done, I guess.
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A while back I was interviewed for a BBC series on content moderation, and the episode is up now! (I will modestly say that the "may be the most experienced content moderator in the world" is their description, not mine, heh.)
The Gatekeepers - 6. Arbiters of Truth - BBC Social media CEOs stand at a crossroads. Will they make their platforms safer?
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🚨NEW 🚨 book chapter Belonging is Just a Click Away: Extremism, Radicalisation, and the Role of Online Communities
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Decentralized social media platforms face significant challenges to robust and scalable governance. and I explore what it will take to change that: Out now in the Journal of Online Trust & Safety:
View of Securing Federated Platforms | Journal of Online Trust and Safety Journal of Online Trust and Safety