
I wonder if the other tourists at famous cultural sites assume I’m a serious scholar because I take a lot of photos and stand around staring intently at the art a lot when really I’m just trying to think of a ass or big naturals joke for my weird internet friends
Look at how gloriously these dummy-thicc centaur asses are illuminated by the rosy tendrils of dawn. Suddenly I want to write a sonnet. Any sonnet-writers in the house tonight?
i wonder how many ancient greeks upon hearing of hephaestus wanted to be the anvil
"an interesting marble sculpture of alfcibiades, great cultural value"
There is some world-class debauchery happening there! And right at sunrise, too. 🏛️
Centaur with a thicc ass but the upper body is Alf
the dildo bottle openers at every souvenir shop prove you right!
Moreover, Telemachus, Hephaestus' dummy thick centaurs have set greater fear inside my heart— you may drink too much wine and then things get yicky. That would shame the feast, and disgrace your courtship. For the clap of dat ass by itself can draw a man to goon it.
Me trudging through 90+ degree Berlin with my daughters, toting our suitcases… Ask my German fluent eldest, “That says nut roastery, right?” Her: “Yes, why?” Me: “Heh…”