
I’m working on gathering support for research and policy work focused on strategies for protecting civilians from deadly attacks (both kinetic and information/data based) from small drones, which is an area that desperately needs more attention.
yeah, same here. I need to log out and focus 100% on things that might actually genuinely help people tomorrow. anyway I blame SCOTUS not just for being evil but also for ruining my productivity
Information/data based, is that like watchdogs where the drone is used to control electronic devices in your vicinity for nefarious purposes?
No, it’s “using the drone to take photos of stuff and make maps of stuff,” primarily. Key threat vector that is very badly understood.
Everyone knows that cheap home-made drone swarms are a huge risk. And yet "if it hasn't happened yet, it can't happen" is the tacit belief. Humans are a very weird species.
(I think "if it hasn't happened yet, it can't happen" also explains the insouciance of SCOTUS and voters about an impending dictatorship)
Well Actually, the swarm part isn’t happening yet contrary to popular belief. They can be quite dangerous on their own when flown by a human. No swarm is required.
Other than the factor of trying to stop them all 🤷
I know you're something of an expert in this field. Do you really think protection strategies are possible? I think a lot of people assume it's hopeless.
Yes, there are absolutely a lot of things we could be doing.
Good! I think I just realised that decades of SF stories and videos assuming otherwise have given me a pervasive anxiety about The Rise of the Machines, and I can't be the only one. Your confidence really makes me feel better.