
bluesky is largely convincing itself that as soon as he is elected, trump will start drone striking people who say mean things about him online, which i think is great because maybe canalizing into this belief will get the doomerist panic mongers on bsky to stop doomspiraling themselves for a bit
that is definitely not what I’m saying on the record lol
Two Satans Theory in action: 1) Making credible threats online during an (ascendent or actual) authoritarian regime is a bad idea and a legitimate concern, and 2) there is simultaneously a moral panic that everyone is going to get drone striked and blackbagged for every comment they ever made online
Pretty much. What it mostly boils down to is that most Americans really don’t have the faintest idea what living under modern authoritarian regimes actually looks like, and how it’s often at the same time way more boring and way more scary than they’d imagined.
My family lived in Franco's Spain (early 70s) & yes it was normal/boring. Unless you were gay, in which case you lived in fear of being abducted one night & imprisoned/killed. Same if you made critical comments in public. Same if you worked for someone Franco disliked. So... boring, but terrifying.
Exactly - keeps everyone at least somewhat destabilized and afraid at all times.