
and yes I find Americans who are obsessed with British royalty pathetic lickspittles thanks for asking
if there is one traditional aspect of being American I live by, it’s absolutely refusing to acknowledge or play along with British royalty and nobility bullshit
I find the nobility system fascinating in fiction because complex rules-based social hierarchies make my brain buzz in a pleasing way. But if you asked me to observe any of those rules in real life I would throw up on you
Exactly how I feel about Catholicism in horror movies. Yes please to the hierarchy of the church that reflects the staircases and side rooms of the angels and demons. But only in a story.
I don't even understand how people can call judges "Your Honor" with a straight face. It feels so weird to me. Spouse is an attorney and says he doesn't even think about it. Not me, if I were ever in court they'd be lucky if I called them "Judge so-and-so" and not like "Tombo the Judgement Man"
Australian here - never gave a shit other than how Diana was treated. Which just made me despise the institution more.
The highest service a man may do for mankind is to kill a king (said someone once somewhere I'm sure).
Anyone obsessed with British royalty
I'm just in it for the gossip. Ever since our culture moved on from nighttime soaps, the British royal family has fit into that "Dallas"-shaped hole in my psyche.
you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to Oliver Cromwell"
he was refreshingly anti-royal, but the guy did murder like half a million Irishmen.
And I won't pretend killing one king makes up for that. But he did kill a king! With Cromwell, Napoleon, Stalin I distrust their haters for similar reasons. Some cry "mass murder", but really care more about the dead monarchs, on principle.
I think it's fair to ask the question, but at the end of the day we probably still should not be handing it to any of those guys.
my mother is Filipina - Filipinos go on about how they have a 'colonial mentality' in regards to the US - how American things are glamorous and sophisticated etc. my mother has argued that Americans themselves have a colonial mentality towards Britain like so
If it’s in the same way they watch real housewives I give it a pass
Aw, it's a good show - although I'd rather not pay for it. And the lore is *amazing*. I mean you're completely right, and I'm not with the people who doff their caps to those with the "special blood" ... but also I can appreciate interest when there's centuries of pageantry and history...