Gustaue Flavbert

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Gustaue Flavbert

Man, just some dude
Kenockie: "Bite the wax tadpole, Rizzz" Rizzz: "With polonium" (puts on sunglasses) T-Borbs: "Ooooooooo"
If You Can't Handle Me at My __EXPLAINING SOMETHING__, You Don't Deserve Me at My __YOU NEED SOMETHING TO BE EXPLAINED__
pretty bad timing for this company was going live with topless meeting Fridays today...we're an all MS Teams shop...
As I’ve gotten older, got married, bought a house, had kids, I’ve become increasingly left-wing every step of the way. The kind of opportunities I’ve had can be attributed to dumb luck, which is no basis for a society.
There’s a myth that people get more conservative as they get older, but there’s an under appreciated real trend in which many right-wingers never really grow up. Especially the men.
this fucking party belongs to the millions of us who vote and donate and volunteer for it and i think the congressional leadership of this party has forgotten that and should be reminded. i do not think the president had forgotten it.
AOC is the future of this party with young people, and the left of the party is coalescing behind biden — not harris, biden. if biden drops, we lift harris. but any other choice is donor sabotage that should be attacked on sight, including the current leadership.
I dunno man, I keep coming back to the fact that the two politicians I respect the most are firmly behind Biden and everyone calling for him to step aside are centrist ghouls who have been wrong about everything for decades
I want my colbyjack colbyjack colbyjack colbyjack I want my colbyjack colbyjack colbyjack colbyjack COLLLLBY PASTEURIIIIZED CHEESE COLBY PASTEURIZED CHEESE
don’t you just detest the way people in flip flops are forced to walk
I’ll respect the Tour de France when it’s goes through every city, village, and town in France. Including Guadeloupe.
Have you ever seen The Linguini Incident? You should. You get to see the late 80s pass the baton to the 90s.
shot / chaser, man of destiny edition
Worth thinking about how long Tolkien goes on in Return of the King about despair being a weapon, and presenting defeat as a forgone conclusion being a deliberate and effective tactic
Cool people learned the verbs “don” and “doff” from Infocom games
Salumeria delivery service called Dial M For Mortadella
it is both true that pelosi is the most effective house speaker we have ever seen and also true that her instincts outside of that environment are absolutely dogshit and always have been and now that she’s not speaker and never will be again, there’s no reason to follow her lead
While we're talking about Democrats who should retire, it's those who have no stomach for this fight, no principles to stand up for and are interested in hiding under the bed for the next four years. is spot-on.
SPOCK: My freak to your freak. My thots to your thots
Just got his ear? Who’d they hire this guy from? Claire’s Boutique?
And this is how fascism wins. It convinces moderates to stop using the correct language to name what our enemy is and make no mistake. Trump and the Republicans are a fascist anti-democratic enemy to every real American who believes in the Constitution and rule of law. Do not stay silent.
Your middle name is not important. No one cares. No one even knows it. No one cares! Unless you do exactly one particular thing.
And that one guy’s purple berries
DCEU = David Crosby Extended Universe. A saga whose primary lyrical themes are boats, politics, hippie culture and sci-fi (generally also about boats).
You: back on your Instanbul-shit Me: giving you the Constanti-nope
Scolded the entire restaurant for still calling it “Peking” duck. Accused the waiter of being a Wade-Giles revanchist. Didn’t leave a tip.
There is no situation where leftists won’t respond with dread, and it’s miserable. History is made by seizing opportunities and it’s impossible to do so if you assume everything that happens is going to be terrible
I think it's terrible how the people driving around with "liberal hunting license" bumper stickers were made to fear for their lives due to political violence
I thought celebrity deaths were supposed to come in 3s