
The US media, pundits, spin doctors & politicians are salivating with warmongering & unironic double-standards. All because Islamophobia, xenophobia & racism are the modus operandi & currency of white supremacy. But young folks are more clear-eyed now & the rest of world always saw the hypocrisy.
It is worrying what will transpire from all this. Why do some countries & people have to show restraint & cannot defend themselves, liberate themselves, or be deemed worthy, while colonizers & imperialists reign free to genocide & war? It’s the foundation of white supremacist logic of centuries.
Defense stocks go up, the dying news media gets a boost, a terrible President gets wartime executive authority & his terrible challenger gets to say he’d do it better. Oh and we get to pretend our country actually needs a trillion a year for our military. It’s a lose, lose, lose, lose situation.