
Could everyone stop quoting the “hilarious” wrong answers given by google ai? It wasted a bottle of water to tell you that terrible joke, water is life, ai bullshit is death, what part of this is hard to understand
How? Does the water disappear? Turn into iron? I am sure this started with some teal spec / data, but " it wasted a glass of water" is such a weird, now meaningless, simplification
I'm not going to hunt down the specific reference because you sound like perhaps you're ignorant of the fact that AI consumes a grotesque amount of energy, which takes resources to produce. Which is what you actually need to know.
AI Is Pushing The World Towards An Energy Beyond the many acknowledged concerns, such as AI safety or the future of work and creativity, there is a trade-off that will be no less transformative.
Thank for the link, I will check it out when a get a break. A quick search just find me the echo chamber of everyone repeating that same line.