Michael J. DeLuca

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Michael J. DeLuca


Environmental justice hermit

THE JAGUAR MASK is my novel coming out from Stelliform Press August 2024

Do these contradict? I'd like to think not

I’ll be at @readercon.bsky.social next Saturday and Sunday, in the dealer’s room selling @reckoningmag.bsky.social and some @stelliform.press titles (including limited copies of THE JAGUAR MASK which isn’t officially out for 2 more weeks!) when I’m not on programming. My schedule:
Me and my scythe are the grim reaper for gas mowers. Not literally. Yet. But just wait. Quake in yer unfiltered fumes, ye noise belching abomination
Oh my gosh the propaganda art in the scythes vs gas-powered lawnmowers war is really (image found here: scytheassociation.org/monty-don-sc... )
Oh my gosh the propaganda art in the scythes vs gas-powered lawnmowers war is really (image found here: scytheassociation.org/monty-don-sc... )
I’ve read my generously inscribed copy of @kellylink.bsky.social’s THE BOOK OF LOVE across an ocean, a sea, and a lake. It’s battered, the gold embossing is marred, and I spilled water on p.517. I feel bad, but I think a lesson of this dreamily, cruelly wise book is the damage is kind of the point?
Hey, specfic friends. Can you think of any podcasts that would be interested in featuring Thyme Travellers: An Anthology of Palestinian Speculative Fiction?
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
This thing where people have no idea how computers/AI work so assume they’re godlike magic—even when writing about how humans are prone to wrongly assuming things are godlike magic—feels like it needs a term. Til I find better: “computation mysticism”? harpers.org/archive/2024...
There is a really thoughtful, perceptive, and generous review of THE JAGUAR MASK by @casella.bsky.social, who is a treasure of this field, in the new @locusmag.bsky.social: weightlessbooks.com/locus-july-2...
Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.
From Franz Kafka's diaries.
The Supreme Court already believe they are above the law. Now they've reshaped the country to make the president above the law. Who will they decide is immune next?
I think I'd be a good King, ha!, so I'm going to run for president. I'm an immigrant so it wasn't allowed before, but once I'm elected I'll say it was ok.
Absolutely wild that the court accuses the dissent of "fearmongering" with "extreme hypotheticals" when the actual basis for the indictment is a coup attempt that led to an attack on the capitol
Yeah, remember when we got all excited about Irish reunification in 2024 because Data predicted in in TNG? Alas, Star Trek is not prophecy
In Amsterdam today: storks nesting on top of a centuries-disused smokestack in what is now a playground
They made weed legal but also made everything you get paranoid about when you’re stoned come true. Next level trickery afoot.
Paralysis and overwhelm don't disrupt dangerous systems. That's one reason I believe even little actions that disrupt domination patterns and support life-sustaining patterns are important. Not because of their size but because of their direction.
““Detroit is an extraordinarily surveilled city. There are cameras everywhere,” she said. “If all of this surveillance technology really did what it claims to, Detroit would be one of the safest cities in the country.”” www.nytimes.com/2024/06/29/t...
Facial Recognition Led to Wrongful Arrests. So Detroit Is Making Changes.www.nytimes.com The Detroit Police Department arrested three people after bad facial recognition matches, a national record. But it’s adopting new policies that even the A.C.L.U. endorses.
I’ve been in Holland 3 days and this 0.5% alcohol ipa is the best beer I’ve had, and not for lack of trying. Narrowly beating out a St Bernardus 12 and a local tripel from a rediscovered 700 year old recipe. Small beer ftw!
Dear Samsung, I don't want a "new AI experience." I want children to have free lunch, I want homes for the homeless, I want Jan 6 rioters locked up, I want a president born in the 70s/80s, I want reproductive freedom, I want equality, I want UBI, I want clean air, water, and a steady climate, I want
All I can say is thank Qʼuqʼumatz I don't have to put that pallet in my basement, @reckoningmag.bsky.social is taking up enough space already
The Jaguar Mask is here! Please help me not have to find space in my small house by buying a copy. It's a phenomenal book: acknowledging the evils of the world & showing us another way. It's available to order everywhere, but we're shipping next week (otherwise out Aug 1st).
If you’re able, become IZ’s 66th monthly patron today and help feed the foundries and power the engines of INTERZONE so it can continue to publish stories as sublime and as satisfying as ‘The Clockwork Heart of Heaven’ by Roby Davies, and not go the way of the dimetrodons interzone.press/patreon
Get in on that time-travelling ape death squad × planetary secret history × incisive art commentary action, only in INTERZONE #299 scarletferret.com/magazines/in... weightlessbooks.com/interzone-299/ And Roby’s ‘The Ship’, reprinted in IZ Digital, is not to be missed interzone.digital/the-ship/
Get more from INTERZONE on Patreoninterzone.press a European zine publishing fiction & non-fiction
Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
I don't know what insights Siri is gleaning from how I use the calculator on my phone, but I'm now embarking on what promises to be a veeeeerrrrryyy long project of undoing Siri's access to every app I've ever even looked at downloading.
Yesterday Siri suggested I text my wife to tell her I had made a travel connection, even though I’d turned Siri off everywhere I could find, which led me to discover you have to tell it not to spy on each and every app separately now. Today, my battery life is AMAZING. Coincidence? I think not.
Yesterday Siri suggested I text my wife to tell her I had made a travel connection, even though I’d turned Siri off everywhere I could find, which led me to discover you have to tell it not to spy on each and every app separately now. Today, my battery life is AMAZING. Coincidence? I think not.
In Alan Moore's essays on writing comics, he drops a line in the conclusion: "It's more important to be a good human being than a good writer." Try to remember that.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
Strange Horizons is a marvel & deserves your support!
It's THAT time of the year again! The annual STRANGE HORIZONS FUND DRIVE is now live. To donate: www.kickstarter.com/projects/str... Over the next 36 days, we're looking to raise $13,500 to stay alive through 2025, and beyond for some very special special issues!