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based and debauched as can be. racing against the imminent wackness.
Queer representation demands celebrating the other deadly sins. Where’s my gluttony parade
Put together a quick site to gather links to bail funds for people arrested on college campuses. Please share the link with others and if you see any new bail funds pop up send them my way: campusbailfunds.com
Campus Bail Fundscampusbailfunds.com Links to bail funds for student protesters.
The best approach imo is to ignore grown people who complain a lot about young people. Most young people do this and they are correct in their approach. Most of the grown people complaining do NOTHING to actually address the structural problems that belie their critiques so... there's that.
Using this (as I would with any similar opportunity) to remind the world that Chicago is the best place in the country
Massachusetts desperately needs to make it easier for people who aren’t billionaires or directly related to Lord Farthuffer The 13th of Sussex (sixth generation Harvard legacy) to go to the damn beach. www.wgbh.org/news/local/2...
Historic racism still raises barriers to beach accesswww.wgbh.org Beaches in many areas simply aren't open to the public, which critics link to lingering effects of overtly racist housing practices.
imagine every body screaming
I wonder often how the world might be different if the discourse didn’t make it so easy to forget that voters =/= the population. 24% of the population voted for Biden in 2020.
Weebles wobble but so does the earth
End of feed.