
they've been talking about the milk thing since forever but they still have not solved the basic problem which is not "how will your refrigerator tell you that you're running out of milk," it's "how is your refrigerator going to KNOW that you're running out of milk"
Hell. You are describing hell. Nobody wants an “interactive and engaging” dishwasher. They just want their dishes cleaned.
It's the kind of problem you can instinctively sense is both too simple and too hard for a computer to do better than a brain. The steps you'd need to take to enable the computer to get it right use way more time and mental energy than just keeping an eye on it yourself.
"How will we build a system that can look at the milk and see it?" "Easy! We simply need to re-engineer the human visual cortex from scratch." "Yeah. Okay but also we don't really know how the visual cortex works, exactly." "I'm sure we'll get the gist once we get started."
You know that more than one engineer with an MBA has unironically and loftily said, "In that case, we'll just have to take a apart a visual cortex and see how it works," as if that must simply never have occurred to the biologists.
my dude absolutely believes that the reason we don't have artificial visual cortices is because biology is "too soft" of a science, just get some software engineers in there who can apply *logic* and they'll have it figured out in no time.
yet he probably can't look at blood without getting queasy and freaks out about women's periods.