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Wait no, that's wrong
If you insist on pronouncing GIF like "jiff," you also have to say PAWG like "fog."
If you insist on pronouncing GIF like "jiff," you also have to say PAWG like "fog."
Does it feel that your life's become a catastrophe? Oh, it has to be For you to growwwwww Boy
Supertramp - Take The Long Way Home (BEST QUALITY SOUND)youtu.be
This also applies to all forms of leadership and organization, from institutions and corporations, to national governments and militaries.
This ends with a perp walk starring what is obviously a terrified Eric in a bad orange wig.
Nothing would own the libs more than this
Cats will go outside and get this grave expression like they're about to do something of momentous importance, but not a single one ever has.
Reposted byAvatar jw
Fleetwood Mac, Rumours (1977)
an elf who did cocaine would be so powerful
Reposted byAvatar jw
i always heard the Lincoln was gay rumors, but did not know this:
Booth may have done more to fuck up the United States than almost any other person in history. Also man did Lincoln blow his veep pick.
What's interesting is, I'd guess this is a combination of "idiot heirs," "tech guys who are intelligent, but in a highly limited way," and "old guys who *were* smart and competent until the internet changed the whole landscape in ways they still don't understand."
I’ll say it again: the key theme of the last decade boils down to “a lot of people we assumed (and were told) were very smart and competent, are, in fact, as dumb as a sack of boiled eels.”
Reposted byAvatar jw
(deep mid-30s sigh) guys am i supposed to be on Discord
Reposted byAvatar jw
Hi friends, a reminder that misogyny, like racism, is a massive security failure that is constantly exploited by corporations, especially corporations intent on avoiding or diminishing scrutiny
The other component of it is that with this application of AI, there's a business case to be made both for organizations (which don't want to pay annoying copywriters and graphic designers or illustrators) and consumers (who dream of finally making that comic book that gets turned into a hit movie).
Again, a simpler answer is that it's much easier for LLMs to regurgitate existing content into new words and images than to do just about anything else, and there's a lot more room for error than with STEM stuff.
Again, a simpler answer is that it's much easier for LLMs to regurgitate existing content into new words and images than to do just about anything else, and there's a lot more room for error than with STEM stuff.
Has anyone written a piece on humanities envy among tech bros? The fact that one of the first things they did was go, “AI can write prose! No more writers! YES! And it can make pictures! No more artists! HAHA!” instead of just focusing on AI’s ability to do STEM stuff is so telling.
Reposted byAvatar jw
Wegmans has an ethnic-foods section for B*itish people and it's a really harrowing look at what went wrong over there
Reposted byAvatar jw
Doctor, pulling tiny schoolbus out of your urethra: Now I see what's been causing all the trouble
Did some intensive investigation (logged on to Twitter to look) and I'm sorry to report that the "real work and big loads" Cybertruck guy was joking.
Um, I'm pretty sure 8 bags of soil could fit in the back of a smart car.
Reposted byAvatar jw
I have never simultaneously agreed and disagreed with a thread this strongly
just like how there's formal "gold" "silver" etc anniversaries there should be designated themes for children's birthday parties by year we all agree to. first is circus second is under the sea third is peter rabbit's garden, i don't care. but this is chaos
Reposted byAvatar jw
Yeah I really liked your post wishing your husband a happy 20th anniversary and saying how each day with him is a beautiful dream. But you didn’t post it at peak engagement hours, plus you didn’t even attach a picture, so you’re gonna put up rookie numbers. Something to keep in mind for next year.
This really is so gross. "All the news that's fun to print."
The New York Times's new political newsletter author, Jess Bidgood, thinks the coming election will be fun to cover! We are doomed. presswatchers.org/2024/04/the-...
Reposted byAvatar jw
it’s telling that everyone with a computer has had the ability to make infinite pieces of AI generated art for more than a year and there are literally zero AI images that anyone gives a shit about. same with music. same with prose. the fundamental meaningless of it all is an intractable part of it
Reposted byAvatar jw
This is not funny, cybertrucks only do this when they’re in extreme distress.
I've just seen my first Cybertruck in the wild and it's been driving around a parking lot with its left blinker on for twenty minutes
Also gonna throw out here that Gaza has been literally always the single most politically volatile, intractable situation on the planet since before I was born, and it may turn out that Joe Biden simply loves enabling genocide or is addle-brained, but I personally suspect there's more to it.
Been struggling to understand this line of thinking since last night. Even if 74M Americans were actually simply "bad people," that's like a fifth of the total US population. It has always seemed pretty clear the issue is not the American people but our unresponsive institutions.
How have I not seen a single post reading "Mah (ex)wife!"
Reposted byAvatar jw
You know it’s deep when the guys at the bodega are talking about global warming and saying Al Gore was right, actually
The Joker [nattily attired in the same unmistakable look he's worn for decades, preparing to get into it with the same hero he's been fighting that whole time, in the same city]: I am an avatar of chaos.
Did Alice in Chains even put out a perfect album
It's so funny Musk was once hailed as an environmentalist savior, now that, in spite of all the problems facing the planet, he's pivoted to "reinventing the parts of cars that worked fine so that now they don't."
Quite a lot of reports of steering failure in the Cybertruck. It uses a steer-by-wire system with no mechanical backup: drivers (and other road users) are entirely dependent on Musk’s software. www.thestreet.com/electric-veh...
Tesla's Cybertrucks are 'Cyberbricking' shortly after delivery, reports ownerswww.thestreet.com Elon Musk's polygon-shaped EV is suffering from various quality-related issues.
Not trying to bowl anyone ever, but it's 9:30 am and I have completed my tasks.
Gently reminding everyone who doesn't understand what Beyoncé sees in Jay-Z that he was ~personally taught by Bono~ how to live in the South of France.