
One of the most important things you can do as an ally and as fighter of fascism is stop laughing at evangelical Christians and realize they mean every single word they say. They’re not funny, they’re absolutely terrifying. Take them extremely seriously and act accordingly.
"they're so stupid and hypocritical. don't they realize—?" no, the Christian Nationalists are not particularly stupid, and they aren't even hypocritical they just don't believe all of us are fully human, and they worship power
They also 100% with total conviction believe it is their job to bring about the apocalypse and lead all the non-believers to their death.
The zionists/evangelicals want the third temple rebuilt. This will bring about the lawless one who will deceive the evangelicals he will be seen as a peace maker, and offer spectacle and miracles, he will pronounce himself GOD. Trust no one who does this. Jesus and the Gospel are the only truths.
escaping samsara seems like a better use of time than trying to extract "truth" from a book that's been censored so many times for spurious reasons