Walker, wouldBe Wizard

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Walker, wouldBe Wizard


4th Generation Memphis Jew; working-class Academic, essayist, hobbyist, science-fiction freek. OVA-era Anime, Innistrad-era Magic, Seiko.

Work-in-progress status: After the Midnight War: reading the history of the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico
Started Gabor Mate's In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts today. Part 1 was great
This is my president!
Today is the birthday of cartoonist, author, inventor, & engineer Rube Goldberg (July 4, 1883-Dec. 7, 1970).
I started writing After the Midnight War, sitting by my in-laws pool, on July 4th, 2021. I didn't realize I'd still be carrying the burden of raising this project 3 years later, just as I didn't realize that it would become a loveletter to an America that never was, but could still be born.
my mom has had 4 snake encounters the last few months. 2 copperhead sightings, 1 appearance from her local king snake, and a rescue operation of an eastern racer caught in some bird netting. nobody said life on the homestead was simple
reading the Invisible Bridge RIGHT NOW is a little uncanny. SCOTUS vindicating Nixon? Presidential nominee musical chairs? what an informative text.
Mamoru Oshii is the GOAT. Sorry Miyazaki, Kon, Tezuka et al.
#weebwednesday time! You know the drill - quote-skeet your weebiest takes. No racist shit, no intentionally inflammatory shit, let's get it on!
you're damn right I fell out of a coconut tree. I'm from a proud line of coconuts, coco-nuts for centuries!
I LOVE that all the major players for Watergate are still floating around of this mudpuddle of a country.
NEW: "Richard Nixon would have had a pass": John Dean, former Nixon White House counsel, stunned by Trump immunity ruling. “Virtually all of his Watergate conduct” could easily fall into what the Supreme Court now says is official conduct. www.huffpost.com/entry/richar...
'Richard Nixon Would Have Had A Pass': John Dean Stunned By Trump Immunity Rulingwww.huffpost.com “Virtually all of his Watergate conduct” could easily fall into what the Supreme Court now says is official conduct, said Nixon’s former counsel.
positive reply guys are the support class of bluesky
I wonder what Jimmy Carter's thoughts on this are
you know what? Seymour Hersh is still alive. I wonder what his thoughts on this are. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein are too???? come ON Supreme Court
Isn't watching history unfold fun?
Who will the last standing Bluesky elder be?
the NYT? used to be the national paper of record. wonder how the seers will read that.
Sorryt guys, US is cooked. deep fried, battered, double fry.
this is what happens when you play diplomacy it destroys communities it is cursed
I'd say if Reagan was qualified for anything, it was as the leader of American Lifeguards
my mom definitely had a huge crush on Paul Newman
Q: But you’ve pointed out that as long as U.S. state interests are being served..., Israel will be favored, but the moment that those interests… CHOMSKY: That’s right, it’ll be finished... anti-Semitism will shoot up. Apart from the moral level, it’s a very fragile alliance on tactical grounds. 1992
Funky spread this morning. Plus some black seeded Edamame seeds I harvested last night.
it's funny JUST how often authors reference Fukuyama's essay on the End of History. A true Monkey's Paw: myriad acknowledgement, always to dunk on him.
Chomsky wanted to remain the most cited living academic for just a little bit longer. My political mentor (olev ha-sholem) got me into this mess when he gave me a copy of Hegemony or Survival (Chomsky, 2003) for Secret Santa.
9 Books for the Brain Broken The Making of the Atomic Bomb - Richard Rhodes Hyperion - Dan Simmons The Arabs - Eugene Rogan Pattern Recognition - William Gibson Embracing Defeat - John W.Dower Anna Karina - Leo Tolstoy Look to Windward - Iain M.Banks House of Morgan - Ron Chernow Gravity's Rainbow
9 Books to Get to Know Me Glen Cook - The Black Company Umberto Eco - Baudolino Bernard Cornwell - The Winter King Terry Pratchett - Guards, Guards William Gibson - Neuromancer Larry Niven - Ringworld Isaac Asimov - Foundation Leo Tolstoy - The Cossacks Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian
It's just wrong to make someone with hair this beautiful go to work
I swear, the point of Piers Morgan's Uncensored is public ritual humiliation. Of chuds that come on, of Piers when he has an actual guest, and most important, of us for being curious enough to be lured in.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" whoops, sorry, nvm, the Statue of Liberty lied, America is going to America