
NEW: "Richard Nixon would have had a pass": John Dean, former Nixon White House counsel, stunned by Trump immunity ruling. “Virtually all of his Watergate conduct” could easily fall into what the Supreme Court now says is official conduct.
'Richard Nixon Would Have Had A Pass': John Dean Stunned By Trump Immunity “Virtually all of his Watergate conduct” could easily fall into what the Supreme Court now says is official conduct, said Nixon’s former counsel.
John Dean was White House counsel to President Nixon from July 1970 to April 1973. He says he's "stunned" by SCOTUS' sweeping decision today on presidential immunity. “I’m not even sure you could get to the Nixon tapes under this ruling."
'Richard Nixon Would Have Had A Pass': John Dean Stunned By Trump Immunity “Virtually all of his Watergate conduct” could easily fall into what the Supreme Court now says is official conduct, said Nixon’s former counsel.
I feel like this Court, and Republicans in general, have forgotten the lessons of Nixon’s presidency - or purposely wants to ignore them.
That's the point. They have wanted to avenge Nixon for 50 years. Mission accomplished.
What I came to say. It’s not a coincidence that freaks like Roger Stone have Nixon tats. They have always wanted vengeance for that.
Yep. Highly recc Maddow's Bag Man podcast from last year to better understand how people used to have shame.
But it’s liberals who legislate from the bench.
Yeah, they completely overruled Nixon v US. It’s easily the worst decision since Plessy.
The stated purpose of creating Fox News was to prevent the next Nixon from being forced out of office for committing crimes. So there’s that.
compared to Bush's federal wiretapping initiative, and Obama's continuation & escalation of it all being considered A-OKAY, watergate was nothing lol
you must've been alive during Nixon. cuz compare Watergate to Bush's wiretapping initiative and Snowden's revelation for what Obama was doing with that wiretapping program what exactly was worse about Nixon? lol
Guy one decides to kill someone, makes a plan, and does. Guy two decides to work a 24 hour patrol shift but causes a car accident that kills several because he fell asleep at the wheel. Who is the worse person?
Removing corrupt members of the US Supreme Court is an imperative.
Yes but nobody with the power to do it will bother.
So much for “no one is above the law” in America.
From this day forward, all the discussion about replacing Biden needs to stop as it is, literally, yesterday's news. The new question is: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Which new and mighty "official act" executive powers has Joe Biden used TODAY to stop Mango Hitler ll and bring the corrupt SCOTUS 6 to heel?
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 If Biden does not use his new "official act" executive powers, Trump definitely will. He has the chance to unilaterally stop Hitler ll. Will he take it? This is no exaggeration. This is not a drill.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Do you think if they had prosecuted him and all the other president's since for war crimes and other illegal activities this would have happened?
Don't be stunned. Kick them back in their treasonous teeth! Of course not literally, but there's no time to be stunned.
Watergate would have never needed to have happen if he had had immunity from day one. He could have immediately assassinated his entire enemy's list upon entering office.