
Stopped over at the app formerly the website formerly known as Twitter. Despite never in my life having clicked on the "For You" tab, it defaulted back to "For You" rather than "Following".
"Following" still has a strange number of recommendations "Who to Follow", as in more than zero, as entirely the same list is also available, at all times, in the right-hand column.
"Liked" posts seem to be removed from view if you visit someone's feed now, so it's down to posts, reposts, or direct messages. Removing a level of granularity that used to set Twitter apart from other microblogging sites probably serves some purpose. *shrug*
Bookmarks seems to be there so they can keep track of what likes used to do, but at least it takes more effort by site visitors to do that in two different places now?
Bookmarks don't seem to show up in searches, nor is there a search option in bookmarks. So the built in bookmark function of my web browser appears to be more useful. I guess you need to have few enough of them that you don't mind scrolling through them to find things you wanted to find quickly?
Musk has convinced himself the reason no one “likes” his posts is because the Woke Ninjas will destroy anyone who does, so he has now hidden “likes” in hopes people will feel safe adulating him as he deserves.
It seems to have shifted the automated responses from just using likes to the ░m░y░o░r░i░f░i░c░e░i░n░b░i░o responses.
And that's just a contest of how quickly can someone come up with a regex to bin those compared to how quickly someone can come up with something innocuous enough to not get binned.
I thought it was because he got caught liking porn tweets and/or his own posts from a sock puppet.
That’s another reason, certainly. But he’s actually said out loud he thinks people are “afraid” to like his posts.