Fidel Destro

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Fidel Destro

Tech artist, writer, software developer, and CG historian. I work with Blender and Godot, and aim to redefine what "programmer art" means.

I'm a friendly mutant, the world's most industrious slacker, and the sovereign Witch King of Mars
[watching a documentary on how CPUs are manufactured] "So, basically, you bake rocks until they do math for you. Got it."
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i now post my way thru my agonies and emerge on the other side refreshed, energized, beloved, embraced
Indie action movie: Any Port in a Storm of Bullets
A thought to chew on: if you have two computer programs, and one of them simulates some real word physical process, while the other (no matter how it works) produces the same results given the same data, does the second program also simulate that physical process?
Rise of Skywalker? More like Drop of the Ballwalker, ammiright?
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If you deposit just the right combination of coins in the right order, the downtown parking kiosk will sell you a pack of cigs.
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A few bits done on #Blender3D so that there is some evidence of my 3D Modelling (and single perfect dog art) on here!
Well, as managers have been in control and have failed to solve the problem... and heck, may even be the source of the problem... I'm predisposed to agree with the workers' answers. Repeat across all industries everywhere.
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Avatar's subreddit is the most brutal #gamedev community. 😬
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Hrm. So, uh... if you plugged a Transparent BSDF into a Shader to RGB, you'd expect that to like... work, right?
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Sometimes, you link up the nodes you're working on, look at the viewport, and laugh.
They say no man is an island, yet no one can explain my idyllic bay and warm coastal waters.
I dunno, I find it amusing how many times I've been into the third or fourth post in a thread on some math/programming problem I can't crack, and I'm like... "Oh, I just figgered it out. Gotta go."
Big news in my world today is the release of Blender 4.2 LTS, a new long term support version of everyone's favorite free graphics suite, featuring a real time render engine rebuilt from the ground up, and piles of other improvements.
4.2 LTS — The first LTS release of the 4.x series is a keeper.
Not sure if this guy was being sarcastic or not, talking about the new matrix nodes and saying there'll be a flood of YouTube videos coming to teach you math. Heck, I just built my first rotation matrix like 6 months ago, and... [looks around]... I ain't got a lot of company, yo
Don't become your enemy. Become the thing that defeats them.
Your enemies are disorganizing you. Learn to disorganize against them.
If you should wish to feel large today, I hope you feel gigantic, and if you should wish to feel small today, I hope you feel microscopic, and if you should wish to feel just the size you are, well... then you don't really need my hopes.
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The amount of people I know who went to college and did everything "right" and are somehow doing worse than I am is unfair. Those people should be thriving. I don't know what happened.
I was having a very bad day once (once! hahaha) and described my life in excruciating detail online, and someone was like, "I had a completely different idea of you." ...and I was like, "Shit... I had them all fooled and I ruined it."
Y'know, a decade ago I was pretty careful to hide that I didn't go to college, because I'm a full on actual imposter... but these days, I feel pretty comfortable mentioning it because folks are just like, "Oh... wow... so you're not being crushed alive under unpayable debts. Nice." Then they cry.
Familiar with the idea of a shibboleth? It's a linguistic term for, loosely, a particular pronunciation or use of language that can be used to distinguish who belongs to which group. Comes to mind because someone in my field just read the word Euclidean as "Ed-loos-ian".
Based on the way they behave in video games, you'd think there'd be a plague of throwing knives in the world. Criminals everywhere just mercilessly killing anyone who gets in their way with throwing knives.
Actually, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is called "practice."
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Sometimes, you link up the nodes you're working on, look at the viewport, and laugh.
I haven't gotten a whole lot accomplished the last few days, but to be fair, I've been thinking about wave/particle duality a lot.