Fifty Shades of Whey

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Fifty Shades of Whey

this feels like old twitter
thousands of disabled veterans have to give their money back to the govt so uncle sam can buy more patriot missiles
the best 4th of july news is that a federal judge appointed by trump has resigned
pretty sure a legislative logjam that undermines the democratic will of the masses, binding us to the tyranny of the ruling class, rendering workers impotent is precisely what the founders wanted
has to be the most fed coded take from a dem party pac i've seen thus far
grooming industrial complex in shambles
good morning it's 9:30am in ny and the average american is celebrating the anniversary of our independence by doomscrolling in bed the way our forefathers would've intended
for a lot of stupid people in america today will be the last day they have 10 fingers
47 million dollars for a golf facility in alabama while their state's kids starve
a cop shot himself and this is the headline they went with
breaking: the supreme court says a yearly purge is "cool and good" as long as you choose your targets "indiscriminately without prejudices"
starting a feud with the anonymous squirrel is self-destructive behavior
id binge watch every ep of this reality tv show
we need to lure all the social media "pranksters" to a remote island to "create content" together and then at the last minute, we prank them and reveal it's a battle royale and they have 3 days to be the last one standing
uhh i was born in the 90s and literally drove myself to the local blockbuster
The amount of hate that I get from nameless, faceless bots is so overwhelming that when I notice an actual person hating on me now, I feel extra-betrayed because it's like damn, et tu, human?????
when my dog vomits an $80 pill rendering it useless
this is why you always knock before entering a room
An off-duty police officer in South Carolina shot and killed a man in the parking lot of a Chick-fil-A after an alleged "altercation." Anthony DeLustro is currently on paid leave. He worked with the NYPD for over 20 years before Summerville PD hired him in 2023.
They don’t give a shit about the babies *after* they’re born 🤬 Horrendous 😢
How many more children must die without healthcare until our politicians admit that capitalism has been a resounding failure?
How many more children must die without healthcare until our politicians admit that capitalism has been a resounding failure?
A 16-year-old girl in Illinois was raped and this POS judge threw out the conviction of her rapist. After 2 years, the Illinois Courts Commission has officially removed Robert Adrian from the bench. This scumbag can no longer abuse his power to help rapists.
I clicked a heart but that's the opposite of how I feel about this story. Horrifying, devastating, unreal.
You can't expect the police to slow down in residential neighborhoods when they've got a daily quota of babies' cribs to toss flash-bang grenades into
Thus, my literal and complete disrespect for law enforcement and prosecutors alike. And my utter hatred for those who sing the praises of the "thin blue line"
A cop can kill any one of us by driving 74 mph in a 25 mph speed zone without their lights on and they won't be held accountable because the US is a fascist police state.