
Look, that Chet Sandberg guy is a real asshole, but we need to stop giving him the time of day. His brain's deep-fried in Bluesky Leftism to the point he's indistinguishable from a PragerU strawman, it's just not worth it.
When you find yourself saying things like "You cannot vote and be a leftist" you have officially shat your pants. Nothing you can say will ever be taken seriously again.
What even is their idea of leftism? What are their core political commitments?
This is the thing that always loses me. I am on the left because I believe in helping people that have been left behind by the structure of society, and I do not understand those who look at that inequity and prefer the gaping black maw of uncertainty of violent revolution.
I think a lot of people work back from aesthetics
Right, it’s just so immediately self-defeating? Like “I believe so hard in helping people that I believe in plunging everyone into violent chaos that will disproportionately harm the most vulnerable to do it” refutes itself.
A lot of those people are going to be Big Mad when Biden wins comfortably without their vote
From your mouth to gods ear
We have some work to do, but yes.
We definitely do but I would much rather be in our position than theirs.
Occasions where violent revolution actually happened: France after the 7 years war during a famine. Russia during WW1 with many millions dead That's the entire list.