
One thing to hammer home to the normies: Donald Trump was convicted unanimously of all counts by a jury that he and his lawyers had a hand in shaping. The hyperpartisans were kept off. It was people like *you* who looked at the evidence and quickly said “holy shit he’s so guilty.”
If I learned one thing from the Alex Jones defamation cases, it’s that people who don’t pay much attention (aka the people who can get through voir dire) actually react MUCH worse to these psychos than those of us who have gotten inured to their gleeful depravity over the years.
Absolutely! A lot of us weirdos who mainline this shit all day every day lack the ability to remember what it would feel like to parachute in and learn about this stuff for the first time.
The challenge is how do we get those kinds of people to pay attention at a greater scale than 12 at a time.
The whole thing about the "Trump juror" was dumb, most jurors just want to do a good job reviewing the evidence, go home and hope they never get called for jury duty again That describes MY time on jury duty and I LIKE politics
That was *my* biggest fear, I'll admit. So happy to be proven wrong.
When I served on a Grand Jury which is the jury which decides to indict or not and on what charges which is different from a Trial Jury people came in with political beliefs obviously but overwhelmingly the concern was about reviewing all the evidence and making sure we were doing our civic duty
Also there was a lot of concern about when lunch time was and where to go for lunch
It seems like the lie the Trump renfields are going with was that it was not unanimous and the judge is lying about the unanimous jury conviction.
I watched Fox last light. Multiple Trumpers went on and continued with the stupid 4-4-4 lie.
Example of the fake Fox “Judge” spewing both lies (start at 1:00). Judge Jeanine: “This is a Kangaroo Court…”
Truth Truth Social is America's
Ah crud. I meant to reply to my one further down. Oh well. This is in reply to my skeet two down.
(Both lies being it was not unanimous and that he was convicted without knowing what crimes he was charged for. Both easily refuted). Also kinda hilarious but you see her literally reading from the provided talking points on her table.
Like mechanically how is this supposed to work? The actual jury went into the courtroom and delivered their verdict!
I mean they are also lying that Trump was guilty without knowing what crime he was convicted for (“Judge” Pirro and Turley are running with this one). They clearly have zero problem blatantly lying to their viewers about the most basic things.
And this is where, contra , there should be an apolitical government regulator that tells Rupert Murdoch that if he wants to keep his broadcast license his employees are going to have to loudly and clearly correct the record on this matter of indisputable fact.
While I would love for Fox to see accountability for their lies on air, in no way should it be the government. That opens the door for a future Republican admin to silence and potential critics. Government should stay away from regulating on any speech.
I get this fear but like…these things do matter, and they matter to the integrity of a government and its ability to enforce its decisions and determinations.
If advertisers can’t lie about their products when they advertise, why should a news station/organization be able to lie about a news event? Distorting facts is not free speech. It’s misinformation.
Or you develop robust institutional safeguards. Happens here all the time. We're also dealing with an example of something that can literally be proven as a matter of fact.
How do people know that little about our court system- its scary
It was --so-- fast too! 9 hours to get guilty on 34 counts is incredible. That means they went into deliberation like "okay he is obviously guilt as fuck, but let's make sure we cross all our t's and make sure we're right"
Well, not people like "you" as in bsky'ers. Everyone here is super weird and would have been bounced out of the jury pool in a heartbeat. 😀
Everybody here has self-selected out of the pool of normies.