
Publicly Trump and his allies say X. Privately (to the media, to report publicly), they say Y (quite obviously to help continue fomenting chaos among their opponents, many of whom fucking eat it up and say more please).
“Publicly, Trump and his allies have dismissed suggestions that Biden could withdraw from the race, insisting that it is too late for Democrats to change course. Privately, they… feel it could be harder to beat another Democrat who is not Biden or Harris.”
Trump advisers hope Biden stays in race, as they eye alternate After dismissing suggestions the president could withdraw, the Trump campaign is beginning to consider having to reboot the campaign.
This is a complex technique known as lying to morons who will repeat the lie.
Worse, they're not morons. They're smart people who can repeat the lie more palatably than Republicans ever could. Tricking smart people is much easier than smart people like to believe
People who didn’t logic themselves into a position won’t logic themselves out of it, but goddamn at the point when you’re like “stupid people agree with me and Donald Trump told the media to tell me that actually he’s very scared of the thing I want” you need to take a step back.
We can agree to disagree on the mental capacity of the average political journalist.
"Oh, no, the Democrats might replace Joe Biden," Republicans wail, peeking between their fingers to see if the media is buying it, "anything but that!" NYT reporters are frantically scribbling notes and checking deadlines.
lol, I found this story because it was reposted by a Times person.
Definitely possible these leaks are tactical. Seems less plausible but not inconceivable that there's a whole grand strategy like the one you describe. If I had to guess, I'd say more likely there are differing opinions within Trump's camp and there's less message discipline off-record than on.
I don’t necessarily mean that there’s a grand strategy, just that I don’t know that I trust anything coming out of a Republican mouth, publicly or privately, candidly or “candidly,” to guide my decisions as somebody who opposes republicans.
Trump needs Biden to drop out to win. Why are people falling for this shit?