Brian O’Blivion

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Brian O’Blivion

Cherokee Citizen / Used to be a 13E / Groove Robot / Socio-Capitalist / Razorbacks / NAFO / Never Photograph Your Frank / 1/2 of Luscious-235

Cherokee Nation Film Directory listing:
Remember when a whole lot of people freaked out about Harris buying nice cookware? Not even with taxpayer money but her own money. If you replace Biden with her the goalposts will simply move. You’re playing the never good enough game. Again.
I haven’t trusted polling since 2012 when everyone and their mother was telling me that Romney was going to defeat Obama. I think that’s the era they truly embraced ratfuckery.
1. Same Campaign, different election The Mainstream Media is owned by people that hate Democracy. Their "polling" is done already knowing the desired result because they know that people used to be confident that polling was done accurately. That's demonstrably untrue now
Turn off cable news. That shit is a blight.
🎵Hello darkness my old friend, they’re doing this bullshit again🎵
I feel like at least some of the elite pushing to replace Biden are doing so because it will be done through a non-democratic process that the elite will have outsized influence over.
The only thing that matters is art and art is the only thing that matters.
I’m struck by the fact that from top to bottom the concern is exclusively “how it might affect votes”. If any of the dudes who got walked like a dog by media overreaction actually thought Biden had dementia they’d be calling for him to resign *now* not just “maybe like withdraw from the campaign”.
This is who you should nominate in 2028.
The young left has never showed up to vote. Even when I was young and left I was guilty! Yep. I’m sorry but 30 is around the age everyone has the “oh shit I should do this!” about voting. I wish the young left would show up but that never happens. I’m among the younger voters in line even now.
Oh hey, look, the second half of the ratfucking op is coming into focus, looks like this was Republicans' plan all along.
Wife has a UK birth certificate: Me before yesterday: We will never, ever move to the UK! Me today: Ehhhh…. Maybe I spoke too soon.
Credibility is a fragile thing and once you broke it you ain’t never getting it back.
There’s an ordinance against setting off fireworks here. I live downtown. The entire town is ignoring it.
They wouldn't, though, because once Biden drops out they decide Harris is bad too, this is the fucking Everything You Do Is Wrong game.
BREAKING: Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro charged with money laundering and criminal association
I’ll make a compromise: When Biden starts taking advice from an astrologist I will then worry about his competency. Until we are on that part of the ride, quit your scaremongering ffs.
JFC you can’t use “Biden Old” to scare me. I lived through the Reagan administration. Trust me, it can be much worse than this.
So basically the media are Poasters now, they have Poasters Madness, and they’re acting like Bluesky nerds, and that’s horrible. The media has never been good, but this is seriously a new Yellow Journalism era, it’s so transparent, and also it’s just so insanely depressing
Treacy has decided she is going to try it. 😐
Beverly Hills Cop marathon tonight. That’s what’s up.
Amazing the Olivia Nuzzi story can’t get a single person to go on the record, and the strongest evidence against Biden’s mental health is he didn’t remember her name.
Telling us not to vote on July 4 is some next level bullshit and the “paper of record” should not survive this. Stop reading them. Stop using their apps. They are clearly a threat to democracy if they don’t want you to participate in it.
The Times finding some right wing shill to tell people not to vote on the Fourth is the grossest thing they’ve done since the Tom Cotton editorial.
Binge watching the first 2 seasons of Miami Vice just to feel something again.
Binge watching Hannibal just to feel something again
I feel a much greater sense of patriotism to Cherokee Nation than I do the United States, honestly. They give me health care and they fill our facilities with art and artifacts. And seeing people of all hues there, including Freedmen descendants. It’s how it should be.
Excuse me for being very risk adverse politically, I’m simply drawing on my entire adult experience.