
It’s a good question, and part of what the answer must grapple with is which actions retain and/or build the support of his coalition. Part of what I’ve been saying mostly implicitly above is that kidnapping the Supreme Court wouldn’t just be opposed by republicans, for instance.
some key norms that must be broken that still hold sway among many in the media, the senior ranks of the Democratic Party, and some of its voting base and the general public, namely that the Republican Party values democracy and that the judiciary is mostly nonpartisan, and you can't say otherwise
Right. You can’t just hand wave away that Biden-as-dictator would lose a huge amount of Dem support.
Biden moved uncharacteristically fast (EO April 9, 2021) to appoint a Presidential Commission on SCOTUS, but it was implicitly engineered to fail to come to any conclusions and was not empowered to make recommendations. So reform wasn't going to come from the top.
Which beloved American sport is better, basketball or baseball? The Presidential Better B-Ball Commission has been tasked to determine this, and welcomes its appointed committee members: LeBron James Michael Jordan Larry Bird Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Stephen Curry
Appointing a commission that would issue a finding you know you would be unable to implement would be a bigger own goal imo.
Yeah, I understand the frustration but a stronger commission report would have had the same result because there just weren’t the votes (sucks but true).
the first step to solving a problem is acknowledging you have one one reason many voters don't think there's a crisis of democracy is because their political leaders don't act like there is