Aaron van Dorn

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Aaron van Dorn


Sometime writer and (mostly) analog photography | Award winning chili maker | Baltimore via Jersey City, Kurdzhali, Bulgaria, and Ohio | Friend to cats | He/him
Good god, Scott Galloway is calling on Biden to step down!? as well as the emeritus NFL commissioner?! We're done for!!
This is a self-discrediting list of people
This is a self-discrediting list of people
A prominent group of political donors, civic leaders and business executives founded to protect the institutions of American democracy sent a letter Friday morning to President Biden calling on him to “cement your legacy” by ending his bid for reelection.
Business leaders, pro-Democracy activists send letter asking Biden to withdrawwapo.st The letter sent to the White House is the latest outreach from the donor and activist community pushing for a new nominee after the president’s debate performance.
The modern firehose media environment has created a powerful but false sense of agency in people, and many of our problems are downstream from the disconnect between people's perception of control and the reality.
Reposted byAvatar Aaron van Dorn
Still puzzled by the NYT/Siena poll that has Biden and Trump tied among people who voted in 2020 but Trump leading 2 to 1 among people who didn't - keeping in mind that 2020 was the highest turnout election (% of voting eligible populace) since 1900 when women couldn't vote and Jim Crow was law
Have been playing "Case of the Golden Idol" recently since it's on android now and it really hits "irritatingly obscure" pretty quickly.
It's been a rough week or so, but I think we can all appreciate the enormous cultural victory US conservative brainworms have had, incredible stuff www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/0...
Thought to myself, "What has Ryan Lizza, that wet bowl of soggy Wonder Bread, been up to? Haven't heard his name in a while and HOO BOY
A tweet you still think about
Molesting children is a core aspect of the megachurch's model, completely unfair that insurance companies would try and prevent them from being what they are.
grooming industrial complex in shambles
I have become aware of the term "gooning" and I will never forgive any of you.
This is actually the Alamo. Don't forget.
logan laundry, logan, utah, 1980
Working a post-midweek gutshot holiday in conjunction with a summer Friday is like getting a secret vacation day they pay you for. They don't want you to know this.
I would punch a beautiful, innocent child square in the mouth for a doner from Happy King Doner Kebab in Kurdzhali, Bulgaria right now.
Large doner, flat (laudatory)
"But we might lose" isn't an excuse to preemptively dissolve the bands of the Republic.
This is enraging, this is the kinda shit Bluesky should usually be losing their fucking minds over
Step down for the birthday boys
It is driving me insane we're still talking about Biden dropping out because people are worried about *polls,* of all things, in the year of our Lord 2024. If Biden was unambiguously in decline, then maybe it would be appropriate to consider, but you don't get to undo an election because of nerves.
I seem to recall another time a major political shakeup in the UK in the summer foretold a similar political shakeup in the US in the fall.
JUST IN: Labour heading toward a landslide victory in the UK. This is their return to power, for the first time since 2010. National exit poll, released moments ago, shows them above 400 seats. The ruling conservatives projected at 131, which would be their lowest since WWII.
In the park by our flat in Vancouver. Sorry (saw-ry) you aren’t here.
Reposted byAvatar Aaron van Dorn
Starying to feel hard to avoid the conclusion that this gang up on Biden is the mostly white Beltway press being Big Mad that the last president was chosen by Black voters who DGAF about their dipshit endorsement and by golly they are determined those lessers will not do it again
Another useful reminder that Europeans' self-conception as being more progressive and morally superior to Americans is largely self-soothing.
Someone with skills needed to put FDR into that picture.
Reposted byAvatar Aaron van Dorn
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
He voted in both 2020 and 2022.
The more I think about this the crazier it seems. Even if it was flawless methodologically (and uh), polls are only useful in the aggregate, but the Times treats their poll like it is The Poll and not A Poll. It's a huge conflict of interest.
The gf is listening to the Daily and it's driving me insane listening to them talk about the Times poll like it's the absolute most rock solid gold standard of evidence about the country. Even if it wasn't an extremely questionable poll (imo), it's only one poll!
The gf is listening to the Daily and it's driving me insane listening to them talk about the Times poll like it's the absolute most rock solid gold standard of evidence about the country. Even if it wasn't an extremely questionable poll (imo), it's only one poll!
Sure seems like "Trump accused of raping a 12 year old" should be a bigger story
People were concerned Biden was mentally infirm. It's clear he is not. So now you're just freaking out about your own freak out, which does not justify overturning an election.
ER nurses are always trying to tell us what to do. Are we going to listen? I say swallow your food whole.
Okay I joke, but please chew your food well. The things I've seen come out of people's lungs after they've aspirated is disgusting.
I just watched the Biden Medal of Honor ceremony from today and he literally read a short story and helped two older and more befebled people I am losing my mind
For fuck's sake I'm just learning about the Biden Waffle House thing
For fuck's sake I'm just learning about the Biden Waffle House thing
Your face grows to fit the mask.