
Jesus christ almighty. Her father wrote to Brett's to express gratitude that the confirmation went through.
#Metoo ruined lives: the women’s. For the summer issue of Bookforum, I wrote about Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir “One Way Back,” the aftermath of disclosure, and what it means to be a public survivor when storytelling has proven futile.
Disposable Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir captures the hazards of “coming forward” – Moira Donegan
The intimacy and relentlessness of the betrayals were really hard to stomach.
And people wonder why women choose the bear every time
if my other option was one of these dipshits, the bear's looking pretty good to me tbh
I'd say lock the dipshit in the room with the bear, and take whichever one can leave afterwards. The added bonus being, they would be unlikely to bother you at that point, being either full or severely injured.
I would never speak to my father again if this happened to me.
i have a hard enough time speaking to my father just because i know he would
I have doubts about my own.
There are families who will defend one of their own to a fault and then there are families who would prefer their own to stay quiet about actual truths because of how it might inconvenience them.
Those are usually the same people who will engage in faux friendships or marriages of convenience if they think those will further their interests, but it's extra brutal when they are willing to do so at the expense of close relatives. So much for the nuclear family ideal, huh?
I think these are mostly the same families, the distinction just hinges on the gender of that family member.
Party over family—or at least female family, is sadly unsurprising.
omg. Just numbingly terrible.
A female classmate of mine with two daughters wrote on Facebook how upset she was that we live in a world where her daughters could ruin a a man’s life with a false accusation.
This was one of the first people I saw wearing a “Moms for Trump” shirt. Back when the rest of us thought he was a joke candidate. The hard right evangelical churches were and are his bedrock. And they zoomed in on him early.
The weird part is I'm trying to come up with a way to say "I'm glad your son, who raped my daughter, is joining the Supreme Court" without it sounding sarcastic.
When someone says "Eventually, the truth always comes out", they tend to ignore the fact that when it does, it is ignored or becomes a weapon against the victim more often than not.
This would be something my mother would have done. She was all about saving face and keeping up an image for VIP "friends". There was no loyalty or compassion for any member of the family if she deemed that they had embarrassed her.
This is horrifying. What a terrible betrayal.