
As summer burns on and more disruptive climate activism is planned, I continue to remind the media what we know and what we need to know: "Historically, there is substantial evidence that shows that the radical flank drives support for the cause and moderate factions"
But, between "glueing yourself to something, blocking a bank or throwing soup, which is more effective, we do not know yet," she added. via the
Thank you for this. I’m so tired of people complaining about “radical” protest actions and claiming that they do nothing but turn people away from their cause. Those folks are looking for an excuse to not do the hard work. Meanwhile the activists are risking their lives to save us all.
The reversal of Chevron v. by the US “gang of 6” pretty much ends the environmental movement here. Every law will now be dragged before shopped judges and suspended indefinitely.
This decision (& all the draconian policies we have seen) will NOT stop the climate movement. Social movements pivot and adapt to their political context. The current ones are no different: activism during times of repression is higher risk and tends to involve more conflict and faster escalation.
Add to that Schedule F where the GOP plans to fire all climate scientists from the US Government.