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Forty-something. Languid. Autistic. Working. Socialist. He/him (not bothered tbh: they/them also fine).

Profile photo: 46-year old white man with black rimmed glasses staring at a huge crisp
Banner pic: yellow socks and trainers on a pebble beach.
Dogs in earshot shut the hell up for one day challenge
We've all seen the beach video: Kyle Gass has far bigger balls than Jack Black and now Jack's gone and proven it.
I think series 8 might be the best Simpsons series. Hank Scorpio; Shary Bobbins; X-Files; Mountain of Madness; Chilli cook-off; Mr Sparkle; Frank Grimes...
I wish those five slow seats would declare, then I can tell my centrist mates how many fewer votes Starmer got than Corbyn did in Labour's worst ever election defeat. Wonder if they'll try to tell me people don't vote for left-wing parties again?
Reposted byAvatar FLAWS
lol. eat shit on your hopes for that clean sweep, apartheid coalition
Reposted byAvatar FLAWS
Labour's vote share in England is pretty much the same as 2019.
I'd like to apologise to a woman who worked at the Tate Liverpool in about 1996. She commented - quite accurately - that I was wearing an "Oasis shirt". I grumpily said "No". Because I'm autistic (tho I didn't know it then) and hate attention being drawn to me. She was just being friendly, I'm sure.
Anyone know if there's a charity selling Palestine t-shirts or a company selling Palestine t-shirts and actually donating to appropriate charities rather than just making cash out of people wanting to show their solidarity? I donate too but want it in people's faces.
"Ralph, Jesus did not have wheels."
Listening to acts from the Glastonbury lineup that I haven't heard of has turned into a test to see how quickly I can say "NO" and pause youtube,
Wouldn't it be good if things were affordable because people can afford nice things rather than because someone or something is being exploited?
Voting in an election is a lot like public transport: it never seems to go where you want it to go.
Voting in an election is a lot like public transport. You wait ages for something to come along and when it does it stinks of piss
Keith has just said to Gary Neville that as a child, his family rented a cottage in the lake district for two weeks each year. That must have been during school holidays. They were NOT hard up then: not that anyone with half a brain really believed that.
Delivery gripe: why do they say "get this tomorrow" when there's no chance? Just say you'll aim for a couple of days and if you get it in one hopefully that's a bonus. Been waiting in all day; tomorrow would have been fine if I hadn't.
Bandsintown seems to think that anywhere north of Watford and south of Glasgow is pretty close to me. When I try to change this, it thinks I live somewhere called Weaste (90mins away by public transport) and won't be corrected.
Someone just mashed David Cameron and Keir Starmer into one
People must read Tim Dowling's comfortable bletherings. Why?
I'm not on the same plane as other people. When other people are moving, I'm standing still. When others are standing still, I'm moving. Or as CMAT so cleverly put it: "everybody's on the dancefloor; I'm on the mezzanine".
What's the biggest case of the domino meme in your life? Moved to Manchester>housemate introduced me to his gf>she introduced me to her friends>they introduced me to their friends>one of them set me up with someone>I married her>we had a kid.
What's the biggest case of the domino meme in your life? Hearing Motörhead for the first time > Going from owning 12 CDs to over 400 in a year, leaving no student loan left and a mountain of credit card debt.
Working from home is great. But when you're too used to it, it really sucks to know that you won't be home for ages (at least an hour in my case) after finishing work.
Rare new song from me (I don't get time/don't have the energy). Rough demo and I'm sure I'll hate everything about this within a few weeks but while I'm still quite proud of it, maybe have a listen. Its about working despite needing to look after myself instead. on.soundcloud.com/3ZJ2janNNAgq...
Burnout Labon.soundcloud.com Words and music by FLAAUWS. Image courtesy of Carlos Gil who seems to be the kind of person who LOVES networking: https://unsplash.com/@carlosgil83 Got a crick in my neck and and my nerves are a wre
Reposted byAvatar FLAWS
A child tells an adult that they are suffering and that adult laughs at them. This is British politics. It is fucking disgusting.
Whoever has my voodoo doll, stop feeding it please.
Top tip for anyone thinking of switching to non-dairy: don't assume the top brands are the nicest. Example: Alpro soya doesn't taste good whereas supermarket organic soya tends to be much nicer.
Mr and Mrs Duck want some breakfast.