
It’s the way people *refuse* to actually voice why they’re quite certain Kamala is a non-starter that really gets me. I know why I’m not a fan, former prosecutor-reliable centrist (derogatory)-convoluted and ultimately useless economic policy, but that’s a *lot* of people’s whole jam, until now.
Like if you were an Eric Adams booster, a Val Demings booster, a Ridin’ with Biden booster, what exactly is it about Kamala you find totally unacceptable as a Presidential candidate?
and they really sent her on routes across the middle that looked like crash dummy missions. “Go to Central America and tell people to stop trying to come to the US” was a Jay Novaceck route. She didn’t complain, she did that shit. It’s wild to see people act like that was supposed to work.
“well she didn’t solve immigration” is not an actual objection I’m willing to listen to is what I’m saying. There’s never been a Vice President in the history of the country that would be able to solve the problem of other nations being so miserable that people seek a life in the US. Be serious.
She was a whole ass US Senator. To argue she’s “unqualified” for an office for which people *just recently* voted in Donald fucking Trump is going to be grounds for me to block you, I’m sorry.
And so many seem to not count being VP for four years as experience like wtf it’s one of the most common jobs BEFORE becoming prez
Not really. Looks like if we don't count "President died or resigned" but flat elected, we're looking at 6 or 7 VPs or former VPs being elected President. 15 if we count ascending to office. Governor is far away the #1 route to the presidency.
So I say “one of the most common” and you come to tell me between 13-33% of all prior officeholders were a VP prior -depending on methodology, which I absolutely do not care to validate- and somehow you think that warrants a “not really” lol
Historically the VP position was where you sent political careers to die. At the "potential to become president" level of politics, it's one of the weaker stepping stones. You have to be a hell of a politician to make that jump. Shit it took Nixon like what, 2 or 3 tries to make it.