
It’s the way people *refuse* to actually voice why they’re quite certain Kamala is a non-starter that really gets me. I know why I’m not a fan, former prosecutor-reliable centrist (derogatory)-convoluted and ultimately useless economic policy, but that’s a *lot* of people’s whole jam, until now.
Like if you were an Eric Adams booster, a Val Demings booster, a Ridin’ with Biden booster, what exactly is it about Kamala you find totally unacceptable as a Presidential candidate?
and they really sent her on routes across the middle that looked like crash dummy missions. “Go to Central America and tell people to stop trying to come to the US” was a Jay Novaceck route. She didn’t complain, she did that shit. It’s wild to see people act like that was supposed to work.
“well she didn’t solve immigration” is not an actual objection I’m willing to listen to is what I’m saying. There’s never been a Vice President in the history of the country that would be able to solve the problem of other nations being so miserable that people seek a life in the US. Be serious.
She was a whole ass US Senator. To argue she’s “unqualified” for an office for which people *just recently* voted in Donald fucking Trump is going to be grounds for me to block you, I’m sorry.
She’s unqualified, tuh, this is America. Nobody’s “qualified" for shit.
Exactly. It’s straight up misogynoir
She's so smart and beautiful and accomplished and perfect for the job. Huge swaths of assholes would show up in droves to make sure to vote for anyone else.
And so many seem to not count being VP for four years as experience like wtf it’s one of the most common jobs BEFORE becoming prez
Also I had hoped that she spent the last 4 years juicing into the DC political establishment and building contacts and allies but I don't know if that actually happened. Nobody really talks about interacting with her that I've seen.
Not really. Looks like if we don't count "President died or resigned" but flat elected, we're looking at 6 or 7 VPs or former VPs being elected President. 15 if we count ascending to office. Governor is far away the #1 route to the presidency.
I’m guessing that the calculation by the sensibility you’re describing/interrogating is, she is *unelectable* (in their analysis). Which reveals her selection as a running mate to be the cynical, idpolitik tokenism (from their perspective, in their value-add calculus) it always was (and ever is).
If Biden stays the nominee and wins she is fairly likely to actually be the president at some point and I think it’s sort of funny that no one thinks she’s unqualified for that part, just the campaign trail.
Are people saying she's unqualified, or unelectable? I'm not saying either but those are two different things.
People are saying that, for some bullshit reasons, they would prefer someone else.
*other nations being so miserable because of US policy advocated by the people trying to prevent immigrants from escaping to here
Yeah I’m very aware, this is why the idea of a VP being able to address this in one term is fucking laughable.
Vice-Presidents have certainly CAUSED problems of making other nations miserable, that is to be sure. Speaking of old "Darth" Cheney and what was done to Iraq in the name of oil profits.
The DC gossip was that those useless international missions they sent her on were to keep her away from any midterm campaigns, but knives have been out for her for a while. Is it real and significant unpopularity? I don't like her, but it's been a long time since I had any faith in the party.
Yeah the idea the Biden’s are still a little sore about Obama’s treatment of them during his admin is fucking funny considering how they’ve treated Harris as VP imo
The fact that there are enough "independents" in this country that DO believe insane things like this & think themselves wise for it is something I'll never understand
she's occasionally prone to saying awkward things or speaking unclearly, in clear contrast to a guy who can win like (checks notes) joe biden
nothing about her persona bothers me tbh. with kamala i worry more about the inner circle making her second-guess herself and sniping at each other in the newspapers because *if* this were to happen everybody's gotta row the right way and shut their fucking mouths
she genuinely seems like she has not-very-good staff around her but in kind of a "they could be doing a better job" sense not in the hillary sense where her inner circle was full of The Worst People You Could Possibly Find In Democratic Politics
agreed but nobody's going to beat the clintons for that kind of idiocy - BUT it's a spectrum. the willingness to air the dirty laundry worries me
Kamala has never had a fiasco, let alone a Benghazi, where there were manifold mgmt failures. Some Missions Unaccomplished, but who else has 'fixed' the border.
Want the key to Bidens electability that he was an old white guy? He's actually really positively surprised me by being better than I expected, but the pitch was white and mild as a glass of milk
Real strong "Oh, you know..." and then awkward silence vibes everywhere I see any of this stuff.
I don’t think our country is capable of electing a woman, based on HRC in the general and Warren in the primary. That said, I’ll have no personal problem voting for Harris if she becomes the nominee.
I didn't boost any of them and for the same reasons why, I won't boost the queen bee of the K-Hive. Talk to me when she stops licking boots.
She was claiming Joe Biden sexually assaulted someone and then never said another word about it when she got the VP nod out of nowhere. The video of her laughing about arresting single parents told me enough about her character. "Not as bad as Trump" shouldn't be the bar.
This is pretty telling that neolibs are apprehensive about her. I don’t like her because cop, center right and how she fought any improvements in civil rights for prisoners, especially trans prisoners. Still think she would be better than Biden if for nothing else, younger and mentally present.
You know why. ☹️ We all know why, but there’s a bunch of bullshit excuses. I remember the crap from centrist-types about Hillary Clinton’s VOICE being annoying. When she was running against TRUMP FFS.
I was none of those things, but my issue with her is the same as my issue with Elizabeth Warren. They both underperform in elections.
With that being said, you’re right. She does appeal to the same type of voter that is attracted to those you mentioned. This is anecdotal, but my dad, a true swing voter, was only interested in Biden and Kamala in 2020.
The two most centrist candidates in the race
He’s ex military. He liked Biden for his history of supporting military families and Harris because she was a cop. These are his words not mine.
Yet she can be one heartbeat from being President
Better than the next one, who is a young earth creationist. Keep her and Joe off the same plane!
thank you man. the dishonesty of this is really grating to me. “oh well she is a sure loser.” why? “she’s bad at politics according to this metric i just made up.” by the same metric people who are good at politics are also bad. “well, uh, she’s not very charismatic.” and so on and so on.
It’s wild to witness because it’s supposed to be taken as a given but no one will say it. She’s done *everything* to appeal to the exact same crowd who backs Biden to the hilt, and yet!
It’s not racist to say “I’m worried that America is too misogynistic and racist to elect Harris,” but by not clearly saying that and making up other reasons, it is a definite indicator that the person is probably quite racist
This ignores the women and POC who would quite likely drown out the white male vote you reference.
I personally don’t agree with the assertion in my reply
Racism and misogyny are cultural forces-- while the white male vote is implied, it is not exclusively referenced because other voters are also influenced by them. (Which is not to say women and PoC couldn't turn the tide-- just to clarify worrying they couldn't is not ignoring them)