
the conservative movement's roots is an alliance of business interests livid about the new deal, southern racists livid about the civil rights movement, and church ladies livid about the sexual revolution. scotus will continue unabated until they've rolled all those back (or democrats stop them)
Well Democrats certainly are not going to stop them
This has literally been the MO of mainstream Democrats for half a century, though - they can't prevent the fascist transformation of the Republicans, but they can delay all-out civil war by not calling undue attention to it and keeping the liberal base and the left fringe alike locked down tight
My first mistake: Going to law school and not becoming a fed soc ghoul who really likes Ghostbusters or some shit. My second: becoming a government lawyer.
If by "church ladies," you are referring to an old-timey priggish view of sexuality that can be true of both men and women, then, yes, agreed. (Though to caveat further, I know plenty of "church ladies" hat and all, who have no problem with sex or other people's sexuality.
As someone in NOLA, can’t help noticing many of today’s “southern racists” appear to be remarkably close to the Canadian border. 60s civil rights activists were unpopular nationally. 2nd wave kkk was also a national phenomenon. My point: it’s long been bigger and less contained than we admit.
oh sure racists are not confined to the south, but it's the electoral voting bloc that formed the base of power for the party. breaking the dem "solid south" and turning it into a stronghold for the GOP
And the church ladies are only angry because they masking their jealousy. They really need it the most but cuz God they deny themselves
Need to get those dusty belfries rung *out*.
So until they roll all those back
Seldom have I seen the situation put as succinctly OR as accurately. Well done, and thanks.
the Dems don't seem to have as clear of a base I guess and are a little more listless maybe?
The left needs to get an alliance of livid people together. It works.