
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Well, it did successfully detect the visual element that stands for intolerance like few (if any) other symbols.
Hopefully that's what it was. I assume it's also possible that someone just disagreed with my post's message. Either way I filed an appeal, let's see what will come of it
When the choice is between "mindless automatization" and "deliberate politically motivated suppression", I think it's prudent to start by assuming the former...
True, I think both relevant Razors are on your side there, Occam's and Hanlon's
Wow. I thought it was illegal to show the balkenkreuz in Germany? Is this covered by an exception?
Very good question! The law allows depictions that are "obviously and unambiguously" using it to make a point against Nazism (such as images crossing it out, throwing it in the trash, etc.). I assume the magazine was certain that this cover would fall into that category
I would be very interested to see how the authorities view it. It is making a point against Naziism I suppose, but I suspect not exactly in the way the law anticipated
I've definitely seen other media being more careful than this. There used to be a German version / rip-off of Saturday Night Live that once portrayed Hitler as silly and incompetent, but even then they gave him an armband with a smiley face on it instead of risking legal trouble.
What do they say...what is the reason they are saying they have not learned anything?
Mostly it's due to the shocking rise of a relatively young political party (AfD) which has, in parts, been determined by German authorities to be right-wing extremist and which espouses ideas that seem to against the tenets of a liberal democracy
if the authorities were unfriendly to it, it would not have been published, i daresay.
Does this have anything to do with the German police arresting anti-zionist Jews and seizing their funds? Or are they still cool with that?
they are still cool with that
Ridiculous since Spiegel is one of the magazines who love to push AfD narratives if it brings them clicks.
It's true that they have made some baffling mistakes, but I don't think that means we shouldn't praise them when they raise justified alarm
That’s a good point. Democrats do that with Republicans, and it definitely hasn’t enabled them to see what else they can get away with.
Not sure I got your point correctly since it seems like you're using sarcasm to obscure it, but I think it's important to note that the reasons why the GOP is problematic and why SPIEGEL is problematic are sufficiently different in quality and scope to make this comparison invalid.
Point is, if someone does the most basic function of their job, in between rounds of doing harmful shit, you literally do not have to praise them. You can say “congrats on doing your fucking job for a change,” but praise, whether you intend it or not, makes the harmful shit look tolerable.
Got it. In that case, my position towards SPIEGEL is: Sometimes they make horrible decisions, but sometimes they go way beyond just doing their job. So my strategy towards them is to mention both: Call them out when needed, praise them where appropriate. (For the GOP I employ a different strategy)
Mind you they don’t have the genocide in Gaza and Israels warcrimes in mind…
Why is this marked as “intolerance?”
bc that filter is also for Jews, Roma, Sinti, LGBT+ etc to avoid seeing swastikas.
Oh, I thought the context would matter in this case.
again- it does. the context is that the flag is also meant to prevent casual antisemitism. it is doing what it is designed to do. there isnt some context that makes terrorizing Holocaust survivors ok.
literally no problem or issue has occurred here. people who have set bsky to not show swastikas arent seeing the swastikas and everyone else is or can click to see it
Oh, I see what you’re saying. It’s to ward off shitheads. Fair enough.
Actually nowadays Nazis cloak themselves in russian flag.
Yup, that would have been one of those shocking mistakes I’ve mentioned earlier
Not sure that "mistake" (which to me implies "oops, we didn't know it would come out that way and will definitely try to avoid this in the future") is the right word here, though.
The term justification is relative to anyone that tend to us it in this context
The term justification is relative in any context
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