Will Arther

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Will Arther


“You’ve a good heart. Sometimes that’s enough to see you safe wherever you go. But mostly it’s not.”
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If posting didn't make a difference there wouldn't be a multimillion dollar "Yell at us for posting" industry
Reposted byAvatar Will Arther
this is why the white liberal panicking over this whole thing falls on my ears funny. they sat on their hands while a militarized police force rolled tanks thru their towns, all but saying that such displays of might were necessary. who did they think was going to enforce fascism?
the people who thought "defund the police" & "black lives matter" were too spicy are suddenly freaking out about project 2025.
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What happens usually is that folks quickly move on to scolding the fighters for the next 4 years. "It's just the first year of the term" "you need to get them a Congress to work with" "protest in the most toothless way possible"
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I think that an insidious mistruth that is spread during Presidential elections in particular is that most of the people who do vote are planning to be engaged in other politics beyond voting on a regular basis. Pick the enemy you want to fight is belied by the fact that most won't fight that enemy.
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My only Kamala Harris take is I think we could get her to do the Alan Wake dance
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Reading this in Sephiroth voice
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Three adjacent headlines that say it all.
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All these "in defense of oldness" takes are missing the mark for me because they deflect from my actual complaint, which is that they are both sadistic evil bastards.
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"enjoy the camps" starter pack.
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the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Excellent point, if only there wasn’t a party that had a hard on you could see from space over cops kicking the shit out of a bunch of well organized college kids we could turn to.
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
Yeah, it’s a shame nobody, perhaps someone who’s been campaigning on how much of an authoritarian this guy is gonna be, has those powers right now instead of leaving it to chance.
Presidential candidate who the far-right members of the Supreme Court just placed above the law tells voters how he will exercise his new powers.
They aren’t sure why nobody’s protesting, when kids have been getting the shit kicked out of them by cops for months as Joe Biden said fuck all about it and shovelled more money at said cops, while the penalties for protesting have become more severe. Yet they aren’t sure.
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How centrism descends into fascism
I suppose the relevant question now isn’t so much “Would you kill Baby Hitler” as it is “Would you kill Adult Hitler if, when he was about to take power, he told you about all the Hitler shit he was going to do, and also you had presidential immunity?”
Kamala Harris is technically a boomer but her levels of earnest cringe would make her the nation's first millennial president in spirit
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It's a dark and fateful moment in American history and the Democratic party continues playing it like they're the Washington Generals
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SCOTUS: the president has unlimited executive power now, and can never be prosecuted for anything done in an official capacity THE PRESIDENT: wow that's a pretty big threat to democracy but there's nothing i can do about it so you better vote jack
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The last time people went to go protest a Supreme Court decision there was an immediate, bipartsan effort to use tax player dollars to put snipers on Samuel Alito's roof while our favorite pundits went "Brett Kavanaugh has a family :( :(. His daughter must be so scared :( :("
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In case it's not clear, as a dastardly online leftist, one of, but not the singular, reasons I have hated Joe Biden as a candidate all this time is that I really, really did not want Donald Trump to ever be president again.
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Didn’t quite make it to $300, but we managed to get Anchor Health a couple bucks.
If we hit $300 in sales, whoever has contributed the most will get to choose one of three songs for me to cover: - Bruce Springsteen - Dancing in the Dark - Wham - Everything She Wants - Judas Priest - Breaking the Law Can I actually pull any of those off? I have no idea. Only one way to find out.
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I saw this floating around elsewhere on the interbang and I couldn't not share it over here
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Fuck, should have said “They go low, we go away.”
Oh man, that’s so weird, I thought we were supposed to put personal feelings aside.
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Politicians treat the Supreme Court the way they treat cops which is to say that they fund them, seem afraid of them, demand no accountability and allow them to act with complete impunity. Instead of disempowering them, it's some commissions, reports and shrugs.
Thoroughly enjoying one of my favourites, Mr David Tennant, being extremely relaxed about saying things which are true.