Ntina Tzouvala

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Ntina Tzouvala


Here and there.
The world is overall sh*t, but/and next week (30/10) I will be at UCL giving a (hybrid) talk on aggression, capitalism, and IL: www.ucl.ac.uk/laws/events/... this was slightly eccentric when I first started working on it, but it has become weirdly relevant. Come!
Hybrid | Aggression, Capitalism, and International Lawwww.ucl.ac.uk This lecture will be delivered by Dr Ntina Tzouvala, as part of the Current Legal Problems Lecture Series 2023-24
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Can private companies be held responsible for aggression? At yesterday's monday meeting @ntinatzouvala.bsky.social presented her thoughts on "Aggression, Capitalism and International Law: Missed Opportunities or Structural Constraints?”
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If in Berlin next Tuesday (7 November), I will be talking about the von Pezold arbitration with the good folks of the ECCHR, who fought the good fight (and sadly lost). I am very excited about how to bring together theory and practice in the struggle for an anti-racist international legal order.
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twitter users stone age in 2023 hunter-gatherers 🤝 mastodon attempt failed, turned to sky worship for sustenance
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I am indebted to the editors of AJIL Unbound for this symposium on my recent work, and to each of the authors for taking the time to engage with, reflect on, or challenge my arguments — or to take them in entirely new and very exciting directions. www.cambridge.org/core/journal...
Anna Saunders, “Constitution-Making as a Technique of International Law: Reconsidering the Post-Wa...www.cambridge.org Welcome to Cambridge Core
my hottest academic take is that many people become journal editors without the time or the will to make hard decisions, which leads to more things going out for review than they should, which in turn leads to the current peer review crisis. sometimes, desk rejects are a good idea, folks
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I am simply begging any and all persons of conscience to focus. This can and will get worse. We can stop it. 🙏🏽
WaPo: 1.4 million civilians displaced in Gaza, air strikes everywhere, 30% of housing destroyed, 4000 dead, 1000 more likely under rubble, food and water running out, and the ground invasion hasn’t even begun. www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/1...
Israel-Gaza war live updates: Hamas releases two American hostages, a mother and daughterwww.washingtonpost.com United Nations chief António Guterres visited the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza Friday, saying aid trucks were still blocked from reaching Palestinians.
Kendi is espousing an almost evangelical anti-racism, which holds the promise of releasing the racist from the bondage of their reactionary ideas. In 2020, this neat narrative stood in contrast to rising calls to break the system. www.newyorker.com/news/our-col...
Ibram X. Kendi’s Anti-Racismwww.newyorker.com The historian espoused grand ambitions to dismantle American racism, but the crisis at his research center suggests that he always had a more limited view of change.
I am very grateful to Prof. Nollkaemper who is one of the very few Western academics who insists on the Palestinians' right to self-determination as legally (and of course, morally and politically, but these are my words) relevant to this discussion: www.uva.nl/en/shared-co...
10 questions about the armed conflict between Israel and Hamaswww.uva.nl What does the law say about this long-running conflict between Israel en Hamas? Marten Zwanenburg, Marieke de Hoon and André Nollkaemper answer 10 questions.
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"The reaction to the October 7 attack on Israel...and to Israel’s vow to hit back against Gaza has undone months of work to paint Moscow as a global pariah for breaching international law, they said, exposing the US, EU and their allies to charges of hypocrisy." www.ft.com/content/e0b4...
Rush by west to back Israel erodes developing countries’ support for Ukrainewww.ft.com Diplomats warn backing for Israeli assault on Gaza has poisoned efforts to build consensus against Russia’s war
the whole concept of ISDS
What is common knowledge in your field, but shocks outsiders? I'll start: Amazon makes more money out of their Cloud services than out of their e-commerce platform.
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Today, the Guardian and other orgs co-released "Trafficking Inc": a massive investigation linking Amazon, McDonalds, the InterContinental Hotels Group and Chuck E. Cheese to labor trafficking and forced labor, particularly in the Persian Gulf www.theguardian.com/technology/2...
Revealed: Amazon linked to trafficking of workers in Saudi Arabiawww.theguardian.com Dozens of contract workers at Amazon warehouses say they were tricked into toiling and living in grueling, squalid conditions
FULLY aware that there is more important stuff going on BUT: does anyone by any chance have any good recommendations on the political economy of Chinese defence spending? I am looking for non-hysterical takes that also highlight distributional/macroeconomic issues.
I am at this particular stage of research where I download 50 articles per day and read one paragraph from each before moving on. 0/10, would not recommend.
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This was different to write than prior stuff I've done for the blog--I hope it is productive or fruitful! And thanks to Sam Moyn for, effectively, bringing this together.
Today, @sanjukta.bsky.social argues that LPE scholars should eschew high-altitude legal and social theory, and instead focus on contesting and clarifying the mid-level legal and economic concepts that have the most effect in the world. lpeproject.org/blog/in-defe...
In Defense of Theoretical Quietismlpeproject.org Sam Moyn has recently challenged what he sees as the “theoretical quietism” of LPE. Yet this resistance to high-altitude legal and social theory is entirely justified. The most productive theorizi...
you can tell I am now an old lady, because for no reason whatsoever I sent someone a voice message with MY thoughts about THEIR research project, and frankly, this is hilarious to me.
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1) The interpretation of legal documents in early modern England 2) Lawyers use language in the same way as witches
Bluesky academics, let's get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren't working on but keep thinking about. Here's mine: - Whether we can have statehood without inhabitable land. - The legal-philosophical symbolism in Wagner's Ring.
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1. Law, time and sexual consent 2. Feminist activism and early 20th century prosecutions.
Bluesky academics, let's get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren't working on but keep thinking about. Here's mine: - Whether we can have statehood without inhabitable land. - The legal-philosophical symbolism in Wagner's Ring.
ok I like this: 1) how/when/why the political economy of war in the most immediate sense (think big guns, not economic drivers of conflict) became so invisible to IL; 2) critical IL/law needs a serious epistemology that is neither empiricist nor voluntarist, and it needs it ASAP.
Bluesky academics, let's get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren't working on but keep thinking about. Here's mine: - Whether we can have statehood without inhabitable land. - The legal-philosophical symbolism in Wagner's Ring.
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⚠️ New article! "Vulnerability Theory as a Paradigm Shift in International Investment Law: Reimagining the Role of the State" (with the amazing Aysel Kücüksu) has just been published at #BHRJ and it is available open access: t.co/nR34CmMVcr 1
Vulnerability Theory as a Paradigm Shift in International Investment Law: Reimagining the Role of th...t.co Vulnerability Theory as a Paradigm Shift in International Investment Law: Reimagining the Role of the State
In contrast to rudderless performers like Bolsonaro and Trump, then, Milei is zealously committed to a coherent ideology. It is partly for this reason that international financial markets are uneasy. newleftreview.org/sidecar/post...
William Callison, Milei’s Chainsaw — Sidecarnewleftreview.org The far right rises in Argentina.