
I *finally* got around to making the US-focused hunger and poverty feed. It's a work in progress but please check it out, use it, and let me know how I can improve it! I finally did it!
Yay that's very awesome! Are you using I'd love to know how it's built - keywords, list of select users, hashtags etc? The Arlington VA feed is a complex mix of all three.
Yep, it'll take some trial to build up a good balance. FYI I started with blueskyfeeds for the original Arlington VA feed, but found that tool very limiting. It may be fine for your needs, though. My tip: be ready to filter out stuff. That's about 50% of my work on the Arlington feed now.
That makes sense. When you made the new feed, did you lose everyone who followed the original feed? Yeah I've filtered out some stuff already based on what I've seen come through.
Yeah there's no way to transport feeds between feed generator tools (a limitation of the tools, not the bluesky protocol from my understanding) so that's why I had (old) and (new) running at the same time and finally shut down (old) last month. Had to cajole everyone to switch over.
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.