Theo in Arlington

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Theo in Arlington

Adam Theo in Arlington, VA 👉
💬 DM me here or on Signal
🏘️ YIMBYs of NoVA
🚴 County Transportation Commissioner
👨‍🎓 Non-profit Management
🕺 I want to dance like Sam Rockwell
This is a nice thought exercise. It's difficult to see anything better for us right now, but I do genuinely believe 10 years from now will be a better America once we come out the other side of this darkness and chaos.
It's 2035. You just walked out your door into a world that got through the shocks of 2024 -26 more connected, a little ecologically healthier, with civil and human rights strengthened & with commitment to actually being a just & ecological society. What's the 1st thing you see?
Oh snap I didn't know Substack (kinda) integrates with Bluesky, allowing users to create Bluesky accounts with a * domain.
This might be an unpopular take, but I do worry about the long-term financial sustainability of so I'd be very willing to pay a small $3-$5 monthly subscription for features like video upload, edit, etc on #bsky.
A trip to Old Navy to buy some much-needed summer clothes, browsing Best Buy to oggle the new Surface Pro computers, then treating myself at Chick-fil-A & Cold Stone for an ice cream. It was a good day after not allowing myself to splurge for many months.
Me shopping for summer shorts: "aw man, they don't have a size 34 in this blue color I want, only 38's... I guess I'll have to go with a green color instead" After trying on the 34's in green: " oh um.. I guess I can get the blue ones after all" 😳🎈
Hey followers, nominate someone!
I really like these Starter Packs! I'm going to make something different: a Random Pack 🎲. Each of my followers can nominate 1 other person here on #Bsky to be included - 1 nominee per follower plz. Nominee rules: 1) active poster 2) have fewer than 1,000 followers 3) only family-friendly posts
I really like these Starter Packs! I'm going to make something different: a Random Pack 🎲. Each of my followers can nominate 1 other person here on #Bsky to be included - 1 nominee per follower plz. Nominee rules: 1) active poster 2) have fewer than 1,000 followers 3) only family-friendly posts
Today, we’re releasing starter packs — personalized invites that allow you to bring friends directly into your slice of Bluesky! 🚀 Update to version 1.87 of the app or refresh desktop to create a starter pack. (It may take a moment for version 1.87 to appear in the iOS App/Google Play stores.)
Completely mind melted by how amazing this embroidery by is. Zoom in on the detail
Life’s tough for a whole lot of people & I try to temper my optimism for the future with the realities many of us face. Yet I still want to say that forming community that uplifts no matter how small does move the needle forward. Joy IS an act of rebellion and is fuel that helps us face adversity.
I don't know what's going on here, but I love it #startrek ds9
This is Coach Gowron. My feed seems to be coming out of O’Brien’s comms, as his feed is coming out of mine. I have faith that he will fix this swiftly, because I’ve seen his plungelogical work so comms should be nothing for a warrior such as him! In the meantime, dodgeball practice is still at 0700!
This is something we can enjoy 😆
Reviving my Insult Generator bot using ATProto library. It's posting insults in 4 different styles every two hours, and also replies with a personal insult when mentioned. Proudly AI-free. hit me.
Take a guess how many craps I give about Audrey Clement's opinions on #RankedChoiceVoting or election integrity. She is far more Trump-like than people are willing to admit.
📰 Protest candidate sees no benefit to ranked-choice voting: June's Democratic primary did nothing to change Audrey Clement's view of voting change
Protest candidate sees no benefit to ranked-choice June's Democratic primary did nothing to change Audrey Clement's view of voting change
I've also now started filtering out links to the feed itself (as well as the starter pack) so you all will no longer get flooded when I post the link around to recruit people. 👍
These are the Arlington-specific keywords the feed currently picks up... What others should I add? arlington [virginia / va / county] crystal city columbia pike shirlington fairlington ballston rosslyn clarendon pentagon city national landing langston blvd arlington blvd wilson blvd amazon hq2
Dammit. I wasn't paying attention in Clarendon station and got on the Silver instead of the Orange to Vienna. Didn't realize my mistake until I saw the highrises of Tysons out the train window. *sigh* now I'm going to be late to class instead of 40 minutes early.
So basically UK voters elected the centrist Labor party by overwhelming margins, increased power for the lefty Liberal Democrats, completely smacked rightwing Conservatives, neutered Scottish independence, & gave the far-right Reform a big foothold. TBH I can't see any cohesive narrative to that...
Patriotism is celebrating the good aspects of our country & welcoming other people to add a bit of themselves to it. Nationalism is excluding those other people from our country while pretending the bad aspects of it don't exist. Happy Independence Day!
Phrased another way: who here is a paying member, volunteer, or frequent advocate for #YIMBYsOfNOVA?
Hey, I've made a list here on Bluesky of YIMBYs of Northern Virginia members. Who else is here that I can add?
I'm so disappointed in Aaron Renn. His Urbanophile blog guided me into urbanism a decade ago but he's become a Trumpish culture warrior and is now a not-so-secret Christian Nationalist. I am not surprised to see him promoted by conservative "fortress" builders yearning for a "cultural insurgency".
Build a Toward a Negative World Strategy
A sign that the engineering of an urban pedestrian-heavy street is done poorly encouraging too-fast speeds is a MULTIPLE CAR COLLISION. #urbanism
Independence Day is one of my fav holidays, both for the meaning and the fireworks. But I've been very social the past few days and my battery is drained. I may just stay in & read unless there's a spot w/o crowds I can get in-and-out easily to watch fireworks.
Hey, I've made a list here on Bluesky of YIMBYs of Northern Virginia members. Who else is here that I can add?
YIMBYs of Northern Virginia
Members of YIMBYs of Northern Virginia, a local chapter of YIMBY Action. We are positive, happy pro-housing advocates that show up IRL to get more housing built! Honor system for being a paid member, current volunteer, or active advocate for our projects. #YIMBYsOfNOVA
The 'Arlington VA' feed is doing really well usage-wise since I started investing more effort into it a month ago & shut down the old one. Thank you to everyone using it! Keep up the work and engaging with neighbors you find through it: liking their posts, commenting, & being positive. 🙏
I'm back working on the "Arlington VA" feed after being busy w/ life. Pulls from 90+ local Arlingtonians (30% regularly active!). Prioritizes original posts but now also some random replies so even #QuietPosters show up. Also looks for keywords of neighborhood names & local websites. Sub & use it!
So DC water is out, which sucks, but on a positive note I got really into the DC water supply in 2022 and this is a great time to bring out fun facts The water's out because they found turbidity at Dalecarlia Reservoir west of the city, where DC has gotten much of its water supply since the 1850s
I only had a discounted student plan & I enjoyed some reporting, but I'm happy to cancel my subscription with the over its horrible anti-trans and anti-democracy positions. Happy Independence Day, y'all! 🥳🥳🍾💥💥
🇺🇸America is cool because it could be cooler. Potential for better is there. But it takes work. Despotism is the natural state. We have to constantly engage and protect for liberty. 🗽 tell me how you are engaging!!
Get ready for lots of flyovers of Arlington. I've wanted to buy the game, now it's a must.
Thinking of writing an article about this (once the game updates). If anybody has any Alexandria locales they want to see the new in game versions of, post 'em here and I might include them in the article.
Not to be outdone I propose we attach whoppie cushions to every Arlington bus seat for "ART Farts"
Im done with housing and have moved on to a new advocacy focus: DASH Bus googly eyes when
Yes. Democracy & governance reform is the civil rights battle for the next 10 years - not just federally but also in every locality and state.
really cannot emphasize enough how plainly all this proves that the first priority of the next Democratic administration needs to be democracy reform --filibuster --electoral college --court reform --dc and pr statehood --new voting rights act --gerrymandering